at the half of my year abroad
report Early April:
long time ago that I wrote. For a month my laptop has now been broken, which prevented me from writing, unfortunately, very on. A lot has happened since my last report. So I did include a day trip to Bagamoyo. Bagamoyo lies 70 km north of Dar es Salaam on the coast of Tanzania and was the first Haputstadt German East Africa. With a Dalla Dalla, the hon drove straight there, it went. Once there, the notorious buildings of the Germans, more than 100 years were reviewed. What impressed me most was a German cemetery with fallen German soldiers on the beach under palm trees. It was a strange sight, as the name and were Krabsteinen Memorial to read sentences in German. Bagamoyo is a sleepy little town which can be compared to Dar es Salaam visit very soon and on foot. Half of our second school term task as it also half of the first term a week off so I made a major trip to Mwanza on Lake Victoria, the major inland waters of Africa. I went on this trip to Tanzania Anamed visit. Anamed stands for Natural Medicine in the tropics, and from this reason to learn more about medicine of Dia, I went over there and help me to seek how I can continue my project started. 1146km with the Suburban through the center of Tanzania in the North. The trail passes through a paved road from the capital Dodoma Dodoma and then shortly after a Raffroat. However, there took place works. In the future there will be a fully paved road from Dar to Mwanza. In Mwanza I took Jacob and Terese, two volunteers that I could get to know the intermediate seminar. Both work together in an orphanage. The next day I looked at Mwanza and the second largest city in Tanzania with about 500,000 inhabitants turned out to be incredibly beautiful city. Mwanza, including Rock City, consists almost entirely of inhabited rocks and hills resulting from the scare of Victoria. It reminds me a bit of one of the ports from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean or Rio de Janairo. Now I made on the search for Anamed that until now I did not even know where exactly Anamed in general. It turned out to the Anamed based in a village called Malya has, in the interior, just two hours from Mwanza. So I went with Jacob, who is also interested, according to a small suburban Malya. From the predicted two hours, almost as predictable six hours because the bus earlier and dysfunctional almost could not be. Each stop was a long pause, and the bus leapt no more, the engine had to be groomed. Towards evening we arrived and were in Malya Dr. Feleshi, were, the head of Anamed Tanzania, a warm welcome. It was very late now, was now clear that our planned day trip would be longer than one day. Malya turned out the next morning as a small beautiful remote African villages. By Dr. Feleshi we were treated very well all the time and he really showed us all how the Anamed Clinic and its medicinal plants - including "Artemisia Annua Anamed. I had wonderful conversations with Dr. Feleshi and I introduced him to my project. He was excited, and after not very long ago, we came to a decision a Anamed seminar in Dar es Salaam to gestallten. Dr. Feleshi are in Tanzania seminars for interested People to help them produce medicinal plants such as, inter alia, "Artemisia Annua Anamed" initiative and to help them learn and apply natural medicine itself. Since he had held seminars in several cities in Tanzania I came to him just right and together we planned a seminar in Dar es Salaam, as he still held her there until no seminar. Since I only had a week off I had to leave soon and on my way back to Dar es Salaam do. This short but intense trip was wonderful in all areas. Back in Dar work waiting for me. One was in school again for another round and I now had to bring here to run the seminar. I put everything in the teachers' conference before and the school was thrilled. Now it was clear that the seminar will now take place at our school. My task was to find participants and organize everything. I created flyers, along with Erik, an African student from Leipzig, who made a one-month internship at our school, I visited 20 heads of state and private schools and presented the contents of the seminar. Those were very interesting check out the differences between the schools to see. State schools all have the same simple structure and the teachers all had a baton in hand, which seemed to me very Krausam. In contrast, private schools are all built differently and depending on how much money they have luxurious furnishings. In addition to my plans for the seminar ran the classes as normal. I taught as before and were now more children than before tuition. With my many beach visits, I have built up contacts with Rastas, living on the beach, so we organized a wonderful evening with fire, bongo and guitar music on the beach. We danced around the fire in the night and had a lot of animal fun. End of March, after a day of open door closed our school three days earlier than planned, the extra Anamed seminar because, otherwise no other date is found. And then I got Dr. Feleshi, Hertha and Rosemarry Anamed of Tanzania here in Dar es Salaam keep appreciated. Hertha is the organizer of Tanzania and Anamed Rosemarry Dr. Feleshis assistant. Rosemarry had Unfortunately on the second day leave, since her father died. Monatg morning began the seminar and now I was really curious how many people will now come together at all, and if the success is that I would hope for. Joyful White 20 participants came together from our school and beyond. And all were fully impressed with notepad in hand and fully focused on the task. The first two days were more structured software teoretisch and the last two more practice. We got to know of 50 medicinal plants and produce their own medicine. From getrocktnetem chilli, guava, eucalyptus, Artemisia, we only sparkled ointments and powders. We also got to make soap. Because now the first Anamed seminar in Dar es Salaam was now needs further to be established and the Hekima Waldorf School will be from now the basis for Anamed in Dar es Salaam to be.