My journey through the April
After successfully Anamed seminar was to travel, because in April I had free. The first destination was Nairobi, Kenya. There was at the Rudolf Steiner School Mbagati the "East Afican Waldorf Conference" took place. Our entire school took this college way up. With the bus full of school we went to Nairobi in the north bordering Kenya. This possibility could I not miss and I also increased from Moshi added to our school bus. Because it offered to four days before the trip to Nairobi have to drive to Moshi, as it is on the road. There I was still allowed to spend a few days with George and his friends. The road to Nairobi proved again as a new discovery. Because we passed through Arusha to Moshi and then opened the wide Massailand. Long-drawn landscapes with cattle herds of cattle and goats, which of the Maasai are driven through the country to new grass, they lead to. In Nairobi, I come across a highly developed Waldorf school, which is equal to the Germans. The conference fell on the 25th anniversary of the school. The theme of the conference "Life Forces", was recognized anthroposophists from around the world had come for it and gave talks on agriculture, plants and human beings. Finally, I looked at Nairobi and I had to find a huge difference. The difference these big city Dar es Salaam is Tanzania or other cities. One might almost think ...
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