Thursday, June 19, 2008

Western Chikan Groping Megathread

Toll made UEFA

sponsorship is so many places because of the positive image transfer operation. Emotions, values, attitudes and performance tuning of culture and sport are broadcast on a brand.

Congratulations in this context, the sponsors of EURO08 (hope I will be for the use of this term not sued), as the results of this survey (total 5000 people interviewed in Bern, Zurich and Basel):

What do you think by the massive presence of the UEFA sponsors? The
bothers me not at all 12.6%
bothers me the little 16.2%
That bothers me a bit 27.2%
This bothers me tremendously 44.0%

Some of the tickets at the stadium goes to sponsors and VIPs. What do you think?
disturbs That's not me 5.2%
disturbs the me little 8.9%
That bothers me a bit 23.7%
That bothers me tremendously 62.2%

In Uefa area only drinks the official sponsor Carlsberg and Coca Cola will be served. What do you think? The
bothers me not at 7.1%
bothers me, the little 8.8%
That bothers me a bit
16.8% 67.3% This bothers me enormously



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