Friday, November 27, 2009

Is There Any Program To Record On Ps3

From what avenges way!

The poster will highlight the current exhibition at the Natural History Museum of Berne. The Big Bear in focus. Personally I find the dramatization of the relationship between humans and bears exaggerated - tasteless.

I've been told that the man is (in light brown color) in the term bears to photograph. Therefore, the typical arm position. Aha. All right.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Plans For Outside Wood Burner

The food

Now I will tell you about the Tanzanian food, which was also one of the biggest changes for me and is. A new country is also a new food culture.
The first meal of the day is known to the breakfast. Breakfast is of course known and it is here also had breakfast, not only in the large sense as we know it from Germany. During the week breakfast is actually not really because after getting up it goes straight to work. On weekends or days off work but there is a small breakfast. For breakfast there is always tea, black tea typically Tanzanian, which one does not drink without sugar - two tablespoons of sugar piled here normally. At the tea are eaten different small bites. The delicious snacks are Maandasis how Krebbel or Berlin, the dough is baked in fat, almost as good as grandma's Krebbel at Mardi Gras. Another Frühstücksmahl are chapatis, greasy pancakes, you can eat delicious without ingredients. But you can be eaten at other meals, for example, with beans. These are the two main buffet meals I have met here. However, Tanzanians also like to eat soup or meat broth in the morning, what matters at all with me. I'm still on "Sweet Breakfast".
The lunch is very big. During the week I eat lunch at school. The school food is very monotonous and not very diverse. Monday is my favorite day, because there is rice with tomato sauce and small pieces of meat, which is really the best school lunch. From Tuesday to Thursday there is simply rice with beans and on Friday, on my "Horrortag", there is pure with maize and beans. For me it is not at all pure, but you can eat two or three spoonfuls of it, so that the stomach is not empty. The food is perfect and has gewürzlos not particularly taste. It amazes me that children eat that, but they also know nothing and do the orphans is the only meal of the day.
evening is always eaten hot, so I get home at night is still a hot meal. This rice tastes better with beans, for example, than at school, as it is stirred into the sauce to the beans crushed coconut. It tastes very much better then. A full meal is delicious spice it here Pilão. The rice is cooked along with many spices and meat. He is then eaten with small cut tomatoes and onions. Actually, only rice is almost here eaten, but there are of course other foods, such as the National Eating Tanzania, for example, ugali. This is a mush, which you can cure. It is eaten with the fingers and then knead it means beautiful. Together with meat or fish and vegetables, he is tolerable, for pure I would not get him down. On the whole it is a very unusual meals, as everything else here. Noodles have not enforced here, but it gives off a kind and spaghetti. When I first got noodles on the table, I was happy right. When I asked to eat, however, started only a problem for me out - the noodles were cooked without salt. After I then doubled the sauce and some salt was made to that is fine. If I'm going to eat me, what I actually do often times, I order mostly Chipsi. The fries are really only as something done differently, fried small potato in the fat. They taste very delicious and the fries are very close. These can then order as Mischinjaki, those are chicken meat on a spit or scrambled eggs or. Chicken is a popular food. It is available everywhere and freshly slaughtered. Chicken here is completely eaten everything from head to toe. When I saw the first nibble Flora chicken feet, I was quite funny. Here, nothing is left over, whether head Neck or foot, you can eat them. Even when all meat is eaten, the bones are worn away completely and the soft even chewed small. To me it seems so that people here simply have no real sense of taste or is only just dull.

But what is absolute madness, are the fruit. Unbelievable what a pleasure. Pineapples, mangoes, papayas, passionfruit, melons, bananas, organs, sugar cane. All these fruits can you buy anywhere on the roads, and to what prices. They are all freshly harvested all and really juicy. In Germany, I've had for example never been so tasty pineapple.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Black Bible Streaming Movies

My school life

In this report I will tell you how my daily school life looks like. Every day is different, of course, since I have every day a different timetable.
morning I am with the sunrise, which I unfortunately noticed because of the closely placed houses nothing to between 6 and halb 7th to eat after my morning tea Artemisia (still on her will get more) and a small little thing we go to school. Had breakfast here in Tanzania is never great, at least not as I am used to in Germany, which was a major change already beginning. By car, it then goes toward school, Edith and Robert takes me and puts us into the school when he's not even because I take a Daladala. Edith worked in the school in the school office and managed the finances and all that goes with it. Robert is a filmmaker, he shoots weddings out of it and created a wedding film. His office is located downtown, so will his way past the school. The journey takes a while and is really like any journey a little adventure, we have to drive two major access points (Ubungo and Mwenge) of the city, there are actually all-day traffic jams. Anyway, I am then very early in the school and the classes begin at 8:30 clock after a rhythm exercise with all the students in the schoolyard. In the main teaching phase up to 10 clock I have free play, I'll do there is often little things that help Benela, the gardener in the school garden, janitorial work, kill, type in school newsletters from working on the homepage, the capitol project, or go to the post. The post is not played here by a postman, it is sent to lockers in the Post Office, where you must pick them up then. From 10.30 clock to 11 clock is Teabreak, there are some tea and bread or gruel to eat. During the break I manage the school library, children from third grade to here borrow up to two weeks to a maximum of 4 books. Then my work varies from day to day. I'm teaching, tutoring or run my activities that I went away before the break. 13 to 14 clock is Lunch Break, here, there is then in Stuff Room lunch with Edith, Mama Micah works (together with Edith in the school office and Albert. The name of Mama Micah comes from her son, because the oldest is Micah, so she is called Mama Micah, as it were, Mama by Micah . Thus on here all the mothers mentioned. After lunch, I teach on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays computer and Wednesdays sport in seventh grade. Thursday is after each of the school of 15 clock bis 17 clock Faculty Meeting (teacher or school conference). There are discussed in the first hour of different things, problems of students to organizational matters. In the second hour there is a kind of Waldorf education. Since most teachers Waldorf education has not prepared itself for a week before another teacher and then directs the hour over the child's development, by Rudolf Steiner. After school I walk to the bus terminal and take a Mwenge Dalla Dalla homecoming or even kill some things in the city. Often I go then to the Internet Cafe to keep me up to date and to check my mail and send it. The Internet cafe is near the school, so it is easier for me to go there directly after school than at the weekend. Unfortunately it is just incredibly bad, although I am lost now and a lot of nerves.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Were To Buy Little Pet Shop Car

Looking back on my second month

The second month is now over a month with many new experiences, whether at school or leisure.
particularly in the school has changed a lot. In music education with the first class I started with rhythm exercises, as I noticed that some children to have very great difficulties. In addition to the rhythm exercises I will now always a group of flutes and the other to clap and sing. In computer classes, there is only way forward jerk, as very often the power goes out. However, I will not then fail to teach, but make "dry" courses. I also started in the sixth grade to teach German. The school's goal ......

No, the report is of course not the end. But for security reasons I do not want the full Show report, so you see only the beginning of my article. If you want to read completely in love just write me an e-mail. I suppose you are also happy in my mailing list so you will get sent directly accessible the latest news from Tanzania.
boiling-jonas [at]

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dragonball Doujin Game

Some time has passed since the last entry and it's pretty much happened. I have a striking 3-day trip to the Norte Chico behind me, the first party was held at Casa Alberto, and it turns up a more and more everyday.
to Norte Chico-trip: Since (as already mentioned in the last entry) Monday, 12th October was a holiday, have Benni, Teo and I, without any good information on how to have this area (an wages "Lonely Planet-image"), a bus ride on the night of Friday to Saturday from Santiago to Vallenar, a sleepy town in the desert , posted. After a Fruehstueckskaffee and with the feeling that was not necessarily Vallenar the place where we spend the next 3 days, we decided to take the bus further south to drive from Vallenar sea. A bus driver assured us to take us to Punta de Chorros. Later we had to find that it probably only the "exit" (= rest area with a gravel road that leads away from the highway) was meant. We were therefore left out in the middle of the desert between cactus, sand, truck drivers and seemingly endless mountains, about 50km from the coast and our destination (and the next civilization). So we had just left, start moving and keep out of any car the thumbs. We were engrossed in a conversation just as long as we are with about 2 liters of water and 3 cans Beer can survive or whether we will freeze to death in the night when the 3rd Car after about 15 minutes we stopped and took up to Punta de Chorros. There, we moved into a cabana for the night and witnessed, such as Chile qualified for the Soccer World Cup in South Africa and in the course of this 400Einwohnerdorf nevertheless compiled a motorcade including the fire truck.
The next day we headed on foot towards the highway. After an impressive 3-hour hike from the Pacific to the One, eternal desert landscape on the other, and wild donkeys and llamas running around we came over several experiments in the Tramp about 100km away, La Serena, we find in the hostel some of the other volunteers met. The next day we drove back to Santiago at noon.
Yesterday was, as already mentioned, the first Casa Alberto party at our responsibility, was prompted by Jette 23ster 20ster and Sarah's birthday. A funny encounter between the German and the Chilean way to celebrate that lasted until sunrise.
general, I'm here now arrived in one day, my English is getting better with every word, Tias every day fun and the daily routine always routine.
Greetings from Santiago, where you can now walk around at night in shorts and T-shirt and eating strawberries for breakfast.
Some photos:

On the beach at Punta de Chorros:

Benny Teo and get ready for the hike:

Teo lets his emotions compared to the bus driver run wild

Benni with rooster on the "streets" Punta de Chorros: