My school life
In this report I will tell you how my daily school life looks like. Every day is different, of course, since I have every day a different timetable.
morning I am with the sunrise, which I unfortunately noticed because of the closely placed houses nothing to between 6 and halb 7th to eat after my morning tea Artemisia (still on her will get more) and a small little thing we go to school. Had breakfast here in Tanzania is never great, at least not as I am used to in Germany, which was a major change already beginning. By car, it then goes toward school, Edith and Robert takes me and puts us into the school when he's not even because I take a Daladala. Edith worked in the school in the school office and managed the finances and all that goes with it. Robert is a filmmaker, he shoots weddings out of it and created a wedding film. His office is located downtown, so will his way past the school. The journey takes a while and is really like any journey a little adventure, we have to drive two major access points (Ubungo and Mwenge) of the city, there are actually all-day traffic jams. Anyway, I am then very early in the school and the classes begin at 8:30 clock after a rhythm exercise with all the students in the schoolyard. In the main teaching phase up to 10 clock I have free play, I'll do there is often little things that help Benela, the gardener in the school garden, janitorial work, kill, type in school newsletters from working on the homepage, the capitol project, or go to the post. The post is not played here by a postman, it is sent to lockers in the Post Office, where you must pick them up then. From 10.30 clock to 11 clock is Teabreak, there are some tea and bread or gruel to eat. During the break I manage the school library, children from third grade to here borrow up to two weeks to a maximum of 4 books. Then my work varies from day to day. I'm teaching, tutoring or run my activities that I went away before the break. 13 to 14 clock is Lunch Break, here, there is then in Stuff Room lunch with Edith, Mama Micah works (together with Edith in the school office and Albert. The name of Mama Micah comes from her son, because the oldest is Micah, so she is called Mama Micah, as it were, Mama by Micah . Thus on here all the mothers mentioned. After lunch, I teach on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays computer and Wednesdays sport in seventh grade. Thursday is after each of the school of 15 clock bis 17 clock Faculty Meeting (teacher or school conference). There are discussed in the first hour of different things, problems of students to organizational matters. In the second hour there is a kind of Waldorf education. Since most teachers Waldorf education has not prepared itself for a week before another teacher and then directs the hour over the child's development, by Rudolf Steiner. After school I walk to the bus terminal and take a Mwenge Dalla Dalla homecoming or even kill some things in the city. Often I go then to the Internet Cafe to keep me up to date and to check my mail and send it. The Internet cafe is near the school, so it is easier for me to go there directly after school than at the weekend. Unfortunately it is just incredibly bad, although I am lost now and a lot of nerves.
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