A mega-city of 12 million people ...
colorful and full of contrasts, part I thought I might as well be in the financial district of a major American city or an expensive scene-quarter of a major European city, sometimes I am overwhelmed by the chaos, the stench or the corner. The traffic funkioniert different and came to me first, before even completely chaotic. On a 6-lane road mostly 8 cars and 2 motorcycles go together, but there are amazing few accidents! The jeepney is the most conspicuous of transport and the main component of the ÖVN.
At the moment, that is mid-September have been running Christmas carols in the supermarket, I am almost anywhere from the always addressed in a large number of available workers in the supermarket, hotel and elsewhere with "Sir", which in view of their difference in age, very funny, sometimes distressing is. At the same time it does not seem rude to the waiter loudly singing karaoke during dinner ... :-) Have
picked out a few photos to represent the city as possible in its diversity, which, however, in this city and the small number of photos is really impossible ...