Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gyms For Rent Michigan

gold rush

long ago before Columbus thought he had discovered India and extinguished in the wake a horde of murderous and thieving Spaniard whole peoples and their cultures, lived in the region, which is now called "Intag" and located in the western foothills of the Ecuadorian Andes, the stem of Yumbos. This people had not let himself be taken in by the expanding Inca and traded with the peoples on the coast and with those who lived in the Andean highlands. arrived

As the unscrupulous Europeans in Intag, there was no rescue: Man and culture were doomed. Only several centuries later decided to use a few farmers to the primeval forest covered plateau between the Toabunche and the Íntagfluss for agricultural purposes. As part of the works were necessarily carried out to make the premises habitable, they came upon a large number of traces of previous civilizations and therefore assumed that the place with an almost five hundred had served meter above the surrounding valleys neighborhood level, as a refuge for peoples long extinct: It was decided to give him the name Pucará . From what language is this term, is beyond me - its significance is also familiar to me: Fortress. find

Even today, remnants of the Yumbos: Who umgräbt his field, and this has a bit of luck, meets with potsherds. With a little more luck can bring to light intact pottery vessels. And discover really happy farmers gold jewelry, or at least some gold beads in the fertile soil Intag. As

in the sixties, the area is now a football field, was leveled, well all clay pots full of gold were lifted from the ground. Supposedly they also came across tunnel systems and other things, allow us to imagine that today's population Pucarás in terms of wealth and infrastructure, - sir! - Can not keep up with the settlers and settlers centuries ago.

A few findings are still in the possession of the (involuntary) treasure hunter: My current host father Don Jaime has, for example including two fully intact clay pots, which look like small carafes. Others have converted their alleged discoveries into cash - So houses were made of gold beads with time Japanese pick-ups or two-story. And some of the treasures, it is said, actually made its way into museums!

is spoken on the subject: the Yumbo and their little treasures. I recently asked this very much and a little probing - but very few seem to really like to talk about it. If the Fund ancient treasures at the time led to resentment among the families Pucarás? There has been disagreement about what to do with the gems? May have enriched some of the parties at the expense of others? Was perhaps for a short time here instead of a real gold rush, with all the greed and speculation and cunning - and its beneficiaries have been a guilty conscience?

If it really is that easy to push on ceramics and jewelry of the Yumbos - why no one tries to earn money? Peter told me to start my time here that he every time he was working in the fields, come across at least on clay. In Otavalo on Saturdays are sold iron and earthenware, which I think now no more, that this is just cheap imitations is: It appears that the authorities are certainly not interested in that pre-Columbian history of Ecuador is studied very well. This could mean that areas Pucará something closer look would take to make professional excavations. And maybe it would be not so easy to get at a market for little money to objects which are old and perhaps valuable - and actually belong to the museum!

as Carolina, the head of the Periódico INTAG living in Pucara, recently found out, that in work for the local sewer system, supposedly gigantic bones have been found and that one of the workers in one of these bones to had taken home, she led several conversations in the village and finally put something like this as the conservation authority in the country note: For this information to perform a professional investigation that would take the skeletal remains and the already upscale treasures on the ground.

On Thursday, the gentlemen were supposed to be in Pucara, and we were very curious: Would archaeologists now day and night (and, above all in the rain) sit in a surrounded by caution tape plot, and after with shovels and small brush a layer of earth the other away and to thereby bring a mix of Jurassic Park and Machu Picchu to light? Instead: nothing! No one came.

On Demand Carolinas was told then that it is a pleasure to ready to be visiting Pucará and analyze the situation - alone, they had no car and must therefore be picked up in Quito. (The State servants and public servants are certainly not paid poorly, and the way from Quito to Pucará costs three U.S. dollars sixty.)

For Christmas I would like a Yumboschatz, including golden sarcophagus of the Great Yumbokönigspaar. If not turn up the ladies and gentlemen of the Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural , I will make myself with a spade from bringing the past to light Pucarás! And the museum will then end up quite certainly nothing like this ...


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