Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Run In Nylon Or Polyester?

Happy New Year!

IT IS BETTER to in Intag not seriously ill: medical care leaves much to be desired, and the many diagnoses that you get heard when you said that you are not feeling well, are on time very exhausting!

A week before Christmas I was sick again, my stomach made me any more (good) sleep, and after some hesitation, I could bring myself to take a lap cover parasite killer. The sweeping blow was so thorough that I am on the following night was really bad, but even on the days that much better.

I had given my family's faith would be my disease to the sun, the wind, rain, erosion (!) or the cold, which for me as a German is not cold, was due. The fact that the food I had gotten in the family, possibly something bad was it? That the water that I drink, but maybe that was not boiled properly? Impossible! All the assumptions that I heard, moreover, not only for my family, are considered by far, very funny. But if you are sick and listen to such speculations must eats as to nerves and patience ...

The parasite killer helped so at first. But in time the night before Christmas Eve, my stomach was back problems. What to do? Nothing I wanted the Christmas do not spend it to take tablets. And actually it was me after a delicious meal of European formula and some wine better, as I wrote in last blog entry!

went after the Christmas holidays I with Polly to Otavalo. And on the morning of December thirtieth began the old grief again. Slowly it was enough, but life is just usually not a request concert! I ignored the uncomfortable feeling, because I still had to do some things before we met with Peter and his group of students of the University of Vermont . All together we went then to Morochos. This is a small village at the foot of Cotacachi, about three thousand meters above Sea level and located more affected very Indian: Native language is Quechua, the English is good, but shows many grammatical errors that people are moving in the English speaking on difficult terrain.

When we were on leave for a day of December minga , I decided to pretty sleepless night, not to cooperate and instead see a doctor. So while the students with Peter, Polly, and some of the residents set off to wander up the slopes of Cotacachi and to plant trees, which should be rewarded with fresh grilled Alpacafleisch noon, I went to Cotacachi and went in search of a laboratory. At noon I got the diagnosis: inflammation of the digestive tract. What exactly inflammation because I had caught, I do not know but the drugs that I take since then seem to help. After all!

New Year's Day we all went together to the Laguna Cuicocha, where Peter's students gave lectures on history, politics and economy of Ecuador, and finally we got a good documentary about oil production in the northeast of the country to see: Crude, highly recommended!

On the second of January we were on the road to Pucara. There were held on the third and fourth of January mingas : Together with was pucareños at various Construction sites continued to work. The terrain in front of the Casa Comunal was leveled, a concrete staircase was erected the fence. In the community garden weeds were weeded. The building, which will one day changing rooms for the football teams, toilets and function unite as a bus stop is, was further built.

On the fourth of January, much earlier than planned, I left Pucará already. Due to illness. This time I was not directly affected, but circumstances demanded, that I had to leave. Now I'm in Cayambe, I'll post all the stress and buy all of the same disease a few tables ritter sport and prepare myself mentally for the trip.

Annika did not come Quito, to pick me for our common journey: They did not let get on the plane to Ecuador, since it had no return ticket. We will meet on Sunday in Lima tomorrow, I expected to break and I hope that I might arrive already on Saturday night in the capital of Peru! The direct bus takes between thirty and forty hours, I would like to split the one, not only stay on the bus to see a little more and pay less for transportation ...

The next entry is then (I hope) from Peru! I intend to upload photos again when I return from the trip.


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