Only the BVB!
SINCE TWO WEEKS I live - yet again - in another family: After my stay with Jaime, Ceidy, Gabi, Narcisa, Francisco, Ruth, Diego and Pamela, I moved back to the village center where I now I live in Doña Delia, with four of her six children: Jenny is sixteen and has even been a four-month daughter, Mayra is twenty-one, her daughter one. Christian (probably "Cristhian" written) is eleven, Smith (pronounced "Esmitt") five.
Normally, the family, at least Doña Delia lives with his sons, in García Moreno, something deep in the Intag region. If, however, offers the opportunity to earn money with a volunteer, you take the effort for a temporary move up. What I do not understand it: I am currently living in one of the houses that Peter has built, and are meant for families who can not afford their own house. What is obviously not the case, as can be seen on homes in García Moreno ...
Apart from my new host family, there is nothing to report. I work in the newspaper, the editorial life is not very exciting and I very much doubt at work. Also, I'm more concerned with the twice weekly events taking place with the children, and it is mainly about reading and being creative. And yet I work with Peter, the one very sporadically held jobs.
Nothing exciting from Pucará so. I would therefore like to stop anyone from the more important and more exciting events in the Arab world to read. Or about the Bundesliga ...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Is Liver Damage Painful
Well, something (or: I am a journalist)
QUO VADIS, WIKIPEDIA? As I earlier for the preparation of a short article for the newspaper a couple of information needed and sought this in the wiki, I was somewhat surprised when I offered the following picture:
(notice the " Article of the Day «...)
Anyway - my research I was able to close and write the article. Since I must return from the holiday I am officially employed even when Periódico INTAG where I write new articles and translating old. But it is really just got going when the next edition is printed, so next Week: Then, given the topics for the next edition, and I will have enough time for thorough investigation.
to working with the newspaper I'm curious: The former leader, Mary Ellen is currently working in Quito and was the driving force of the small Intag newspaper that reports primarily on environmental protection and local happenings and the only newspaper in the region is. Mary Ellen, a U.S. citizen, came some three decades after Ecuador and founded ten years ago, the newspaper said. She earned beyond the boundaries of time Intag a certain reputation, gained some journalists prices. Now it is, as I said, in Quito. Her post as chief of the newspaper Carolina has taken over, and in the small office of the newspaper right now is in turmoil. The money will be scarcer and scarcer, the time until the newspaper goes to print, shorter and shorter and is missing the person who coordinates the work and the employees, if necessary, occurs in the ass.
I fear that this "power vacuum will lead" in the newspaper does not necessarily lead to high quality journalism and that me, my new job always brings close to my frustration limit. But I'm interested only conditionally: a few small tasks I have in Pucará yet, so I do not get bored. And these days we visited a group from the United States - that may donate enough money so we could start with our library project. Wait and see! At times I will report here if it can soon start with the library - and what exactly we intend to be!
QUO VADIS, WIKIPEDIA? As I earlier for the preparation of a short article for the newspaper a couple of information needed and sought this in the wiki, I was somewhat surprised when I offered the following picture:
(notice the " Article of the Day «...)
Anyway - my research I was able to close and write the article. Since I must return from the holiday I am officially employed even when Periódico INTAG where I write new articles and translating old. But it is really just got going when the next edition is printed, so next Week: Then, given the topics for the next edition, and I will have enough time for thorough investigation.
to working with the newspaper I'm curious: The former leader, Mary Ellen is currently working in Quito and was the driving force of the small Intag newspaper that reports primarily on environmental protection and local happenings and the only newspaper in the region is. Mary Ellen, a U.S. citizen, came some three decades after Ecuador and founded ten years ago, the newspaper said. She earned beyond the boundaries of time Intag a certain reputation, gained some journalists prices. Now it is, as I said, in Quito. Her post as chief of the newspaper Carolina has taken over, and in the small office of the newspaper right now is in turmoil. The money will be scarcer and scarcer, the time until the newspaper goes to print, shorter and shorter and is missing the person who coordinates the work and the employees, if necessary, occurs in the ass.
I fear that this "power vacuum will lead" in the newspaper does not necessarily lead to high quality journalism and that me, my new job always brings close to my frustration limit. But I'm interested only conditionally: a few small tasks I have in Pucará yet, so I do not get bored. And these days we visited a group from the United States - that may donate enough money so we could start with our library project. Wait and see! At times I will report here if it can soon start with the library - and what exactly we intend to be!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Nortel T7316e Administrator Reset
As promised ...
OF THE HUMAN that I have met during the trip, I wanted to tell you. Being of "know perhaps only partially possible to speak: I was almost constantly on the move and actually had enough time to get to talk extensively with many people. But could I still get an impression. And that I would try to portray. My
first stop I made in Cuenca in southern Ecuador, a. There I was first on the dialect, which differs significantly from that which is spoken in Intag. I had been announced in advance that I would finally meet the famous cuencanischen singsong: The English have there very own tune. That was not me - but that the speed was quite different than in the northern highlands of Ecuador, did not escape me. In addition to the dialect Cuenca has to offer, of course, a lot. And because of this, the city is visited by many tourists: It is said that Cuenca was the most beautiful city in Ecuador. The Touri
smus cause lasting but not only that some few people involved in tourism have a good income - it also has an impact on the mentality of the people. In Cuenca, it was nothing for nothing: people like it wanted to see for each photo that you wanted to make of them. Friendly question as little as half as tough negotiations. The two small livestock traders wanted a dollars for the photo, which I then did not end. A seller who sold the evening on the bus home-made bags, zippers demanded for its product as much. Next, I took
me in Piura a few hours to see the city, something to eat and to get a first impression of Peru. Again, I got back to hear a different dialect: Piura is located near the coast and the coasts of Latin America seem to excel in that there is a relatively fast and speaks of consonants poor English. Man swallows with passion "s" and "d" and connects all possible words of a sentence to a German vocabulary scale, making it to the untrained ear partially problematic. In Piura, I had the impression that the only white person in town to be - which was a good feeling. You unlock them do not have to get used to the tourism and treated me with respect, but quite natural. Nobody tried to sell me any souvenirs or the like, you left me Might happen.
I was in Lima with a taxi driver in conversation, before I let myself chauffeured to Miraflores. The gentleman was friendly and was quick to talk entangle, put his hand and gave no questions, as I discovered on a subsequent Internet research, many wrong answers. I stayed in Miraflores hardly moved immediately on to Barranco. On the way there I met several runners in the early morning exercise on the cliffs. They were talkative possible. The few people I asked for directions were all the more open-minded and almost overly friendly. But this impression could not last forever: in Barranco Once, a drunk, engaged me in conversation and did not let me anymore. In any attempt to hang him, he called me immediately as a bad person, unfriendly Europeans drowsy or sleepy heads. My next acquaintance was once a taxi driver who was similar to the first, after I came back to Friends of excessive alcohol consumption. They were even nice, but somewhat uncomfortable. And that one of these encounters ended with the most expensive Pisco Sour of the planet, I have already written.
Next on the program as of Cusco. Here we came first in a hostel under whose owners also tours to Machu Picchu offers. The Lord was indeed friendly, but constantly tried to sell us one of his tours. Generally, I had the impression in Cusco, know that many of the people living there, how to deal with tourists welcome in the first place - the customer is king. And always with the goal of getting rid of their product - money rules the world. In the restaurant where Annie and I ate lunch on the first day, we talked for a while with the waiter, whose kindness and willingness to help us enthusiastic: the young man gave us numerous tips on upcoming trip to Machu Picchu. It was a little disillusioning, as we saw him again after the company and he spoke to us - without to remember us, although we certainly longer than half an hour had entertained. In addition to the staff of hostels and restaurants, there were a large number of women who wore the garb of Cusco and wanted to earn money by posing for the tourists, often with a llama on a leash. The few people who were not employed in the tourism industry, yet we came to talk with were all very nice: eye locks, made interesting and apparently at least a little!
In Machu Picchu itself, we met no Peruvians. Especially Brazilians and Argentinians their way here, where the former were almost invariably equipped with flags, which they wore on Huayna Picchu to be photographed there as a good patriot. The South African backpacker mostly occurred on other than their North American or European counterparts: almost always in quite large groups of five or more people, and often a bit louder: The famous temper of Latinos as it were ...
Overall, I would in the few impressions that I gained from Peru say that it seemed to me as if the Peruvians, mostly good for tourism, which plays in some places an important role, prepared and set were . They treated us not as a hostile white colonizers or full of envy, but as potential customers what the situation so thoroughly just was. And if it's not all about business went, the people there were also very nice, if not more friendly.
something different was in Bolivia. In Copacabana we saw almost only tourists who came for it on the Isla del Sol in contact with local population. There, too, played and tourism plays an important role. However, it seems more likely to see foreigners in the conquerors, and people who harm nature and the island community. To give money, we were good enough, otherwise we were met rather repellent. It took a while for the ice between the owner of our beautiful hostels and we began to melt - then we had some nice conversations and we felt very comfortable with the señora . When we took a hike to the northern half of the island, we found on a beach in masses of tourists who camped on the beach, grilled, drank, and probably also occasionally consumed various drugs. I assume that the bad image that people have of the stranger, is characterized first and foremost of these visitors.
In La Paz we arrived in a rather dubious hostel at: Every evening there from the hostel organized parties, in whose center is definitely the alcohol was. However, no one was allowed to consume their own drinks to diminish rather than the profit. But why should this kind stores where it only "fun" is given, not even in South America? I had something prejudiced, as I'm that, more in Amsterdam - but it seems also to give tourists do not only the typical backpacker program. Apart from the hostel was, where during the two nights we spent there, demolished the Bathroom and liquor consumed in vast quantities and at enormous volume, we were really only tourisitische corners of the city to see.
In Uyuni we are also accustomed to tourists throughout the year back to leave and, on the way to the tour to the Salar de Uyuni, or. We talked with the nice lady, whose tour company drove us to the Salar, or we came up with unfriendly shopkeepers and waiters in touch slow. And how can it be that there was pizza place not too late, only in very few of the many pizzerias, I can still not explain: if it really is true that the influx of tourists throughout the year remains the same over, should you are in the restaurants actually set out ...
The Salar were almost only foreigners on the road, apart from the drivers and the staff was at every rest stop, and before each toilet to collect around. It has apparently noticed in Bolivia that can earn good money with tourism. As in many places not yet arrived seems to be: The fact that tourists feel more comfortable when they are kindly treated and at least pretend that it was not just about money. And that tourists tend to return to places where they felt treated well - or at least recommend this place.
In Potosí was the most interesting encounter with the old two women dressed in traditional costumes who asked us for cigarettes. Why, that I was clear only later: It is anything but common for women to smoke in public, and even more unusual seemed to me the elderly in the two ladies who were sitting at the plaza principal on the sidewalk and talking. The situation was quite strange, as the women we asked them to make the cigarettes too, because they did not seem like it worked. As part of the tour of the mines of Potosi, we then learn that when you Kokakauen often smokes, the smoke but not inhale, but with it a sense the soaked sheets "washed" to give the juice a different flavor. I suspect that this was the reason why the two ladies wanted to smoke. In Potosí, we also got to know a nice woman who sold us the tour of the mines, and came into the conversation with some gentlemen, some of which are already retired (ex-miners), some still working: One of them has been very confident, Evo Morales plunge this year and to get his party to power.
Evo Morales is the first indigenous president of the country (and continent) and raised high hopes in the numerically much superior low proportion of the population: it would be the indigenous population a voice, to her more influence and thus help to increase their prosperity. Since the constitutional amendment that Bolivia has officially plurinacional to a " em done" state, but seems not much happened to be, and at least since the end of the last gasolinazo Year, which led to fuel and gas prices have almost doubled, and thus all the goods had to be more expensive, the anger on the president great. This latter had indeed simply trying to occur through the elimination of subsidies for fuel and gas to the smuggling of goods to neighboring countries.
went to Potosi to Sucre, where we were staying only briefly. Remarkably, the different chocolate shops where really delicious chocolates were sold, which should not hide on the German market.
In Cochabamba, we had more time. I had the impression that there was to see there not so many costumes that indigenous Culture that is not quite so present was. (Henry will correct me if wrong, I hereby lay ...) The Cochabambinos made an overall relaxed and friendly impression. Some asked us on the street where we were then, and talked to us, other residents of "the German Wlethauptstadt volunteers" could be one of us no longer continue to impress.
Bolivia I was very well liked: Although I am always on the harshness and ignorance (as if all whites were rich and came from the United States ...) annoyed predominated, but the positive impressions, the colors, the costumes , spectacular Landscapes, good food. And again I had to ask myself: How would we be Germans, if our government financially in the end, all the corrupt authorities and the promises of the politicians were all lies? How would we tick if we can not trust a [political] system, education would be a rare commodity and very few of us would have a secure future? How would we respond to all the foreign visitors who visit Germany and would zurückflögen then return to their more affluent countries? I do not know ...
I am well aware of what I would do if my e
Rünger nfügen keyboard go crazy dignity and endless rows
would, so the scream
ben part
se would be impossible:
I would type in to stop d
. (Actually, the whole text was so
i c h
him have the Lesbark
t half but reacts
Kei ne
idea what is here
r going on ...)
OF THE HUMAN that I have met during the trip, I wanted to tell you. Being of "know perhaps only partially possible to speak: I was almost constantly on the move and actually had enough time to get to talk extensively with many people. But could I still get an impression. And that I would try to portray. My
first stop I made in Cuenca in southern Ecuador, a. There I was first on the dialect, which differs significantly from that which is spoken in Intag. I had been announced in advance that I would finally meet the famous cuencanischen singsong: The English have there very own tune. That was not me - but that the speed was quite different than in the northern highlands of Ecuador, did not escape me. In addition to the dialect Cuenca has to offer, of course, a lot. And because of this, the city is visited by many tourists: It is said that Cuenca was the most beautiful city in Ecuador. The Touri
smus cause lasting but not only that some few people involved in tourism have a good income - it also has an impact on the mentality of the people. In Cuenca, it was nothing for nothing: people like it wanted to see for each photo that you wanted to make of them. Friendly question as little as half as tough negotiations. The two small livestock traders wanted a dollars for the photo, which I then did not end. A seller who sold the evening on the bus home-made bags, zippers demanded for its product as much. Next, I took
me in Piura a few hours to see the city, something to eat and to get a first impression of Peru. Again, I got back to hear a different dialect: Piura is located near the coast and the coasts of Latin America seem to excel in that there is a relatively fast and speaks of consonants poor English. Man swallows with passion "s" and "d" and connects all possible words of a sentence to a German vocabulary scale, making it to the untrained ear partially problematic. In Piura, I had the impression that the only white person in town to be - which was a good feeling. You unlock them do not have to get used to the tourism and treated me with respect, but quite natural. Nobody tried to sell me any souvenirs or the like, you left me Might happen.
I was in Lima with a taxi driver in conversation, before I let myself chauffeured to Miraflores. The gentleman was friendly and was quick to talk entangle, put his hand and gave no questions, as I discovered on a subsequent Internet research, many wrong answers. I stayed in Miraflores hardly moved immediately on to Barranco. On the way there I met several runners in the early morning exercise on the cliffs. They were talkative possible. The few people I asked for directions were all the more open-minded and almost overly friendly. But this impression could not last forever: in Barranco Once, a drunk, engaged me in conversation and did not let me anymore. In any attempt to hang him, he called me immediately as a bad person, unfriendly Europeans drowsy or sleepy heads. My next acquaintance was once a taxi driver who was similar to the first, after I came back to Friends of excessive alcohol consumption. They were even nice, but somewhat uncomfortable. And that one of these encounters ended with the most expensive Pisco Sour of the planet, I have already written.
Next on the program as of Cusco. Here we came first in a hostel under whose owners also tours to Machu Picchu offers. The Lord was indeed friendly, but constantly tried to sell us one of his tours. Generally, I had the impression in Cusco, know that many of the people living there, how to deal with tourists welcome in the first place - the customer is king. And always with the goal of getting rid of their product - money rules the world. In the restaurant where Annie and I ate lunch on the first day, we talked for a while with the waiter, whose kindness and willingness to help us enthusiastic: the young man gave us numerous tips on upcoming trip to Machu Picchu. It was a little disillusioning, as we saw him again after the company and he spoke to us - without to remember us, although we certainly longer than half an hour had entertained. In addition to the staff of hostels and restaurants, there were a large number of women who wore the garb of Cusco and wanted to earn money by posing for the tourists, often with a llama on a leash. The few people who were not employed in the tourism industry, yet we came to talk with were all very nice: eye locks, made interesting and apparently at least a little!
In Machu Picchu itself, we met no Peruvians. Especially Brazilians and Argentinians their way here, where the former were almost invariably equipped with flags, which they wore on Huayna Picchu to be photographed there as a good patriot. The South African backpacker mostly occurred on other than their North American or European counterparts: almost always in quite large groups of five or more people, and often a bit louder: The famous temper of Latinos as it were ...
Overall, I would in the few impressions that I gained from Peru say that it seemed to me as if the Peruvians, mostly good for tourism, which plays in some places an important role, prepared and set were . They treated us not as a hostile white colonizers or full of envy, but as potential customers what the situation so thoroughly just was. And if it's not all about business went, the people there were also very nice, if not more friendly.
something different was in Bolivia. In Copacabana we saw almost only tourists who came for it on the Isla del Sol in contact with local population. There, too, played and tourism plays an important role. However, it seems more likely to see foreigners in the conquerors, and people who harm nature and the island community. To give money, we were good enough, otherwise we were met rather repellent. It took a while for the ice between the owner of our beautiful hostels and we began to melt - then we had some nice conversations and we felt very comfortable with the señora . When we took a hike to the northern half of the island, we found on a beach in masses of tourists who camped on the beach, grilled, drank, and probably also occasionally consumed various drugs. I assume that the bad image that people have of the stranger, is characterized first and foremost of these visitors.
In La Paz we arrived in a rather dubious hostel at: Every evening there from the hostel organized parties, in whose center is definitely the alcohol was. However, no one was allowed to consume their own drinks to diminish rather than the profit. But why should this kind stores where it only "fun" is given, not even in South America? I had something prejudiced, as I'm that, more in Amsterdam - but it seems also to give tourists do not only the typical backpacker program. Apart from the hostel was, where during the two nights we spent there, demolished the Bathroom and liquor consumed in vast quantities and at enormous volume, we were really only tourisitische corners of the city to see.
In Uyuni we are also accustomed to tourists throughout the year back to leave and, on the way to the tour to the Salar de Uyuni, or. We talked with the nice lady, whose tour company drove us to the Salar, or we came up with unfriendly shopkeepers and waiters in touch slow. And how can it be that there was pizza place not too late, only in very few of the many pizzerias, I can still not explain: if it really is true that the influx of tourists throughout the year remains the same over, should you are in the restaurants actually set out ...
The Salar were almost only foreigners on the road, apart from the drivers and the staff was at every rest stop, and before each toilet to collect around. It has apparently noticed in Bolivia that can earn good money with tourism. As in many places not yet arrived seems to be: The fact that tourists feel more comfortable when they are kindly treated and at least pretend that it was not just about money. And that tourists tend to return to places where they felt treated well - or at least recommend this place.
In Potosí was the most interesting encounter with the old two women dressed in traditional costumes who asked us for cigarettes. Why, that I was clear only later: It is anything but common for women to smoke in public, and even more unusual seemed to me the elderly in the two ladies who were sitting at the plaza principal on the sidewalk and talking. The situation was quite strange, as the women we asked them to make the cigarettes too, because they did not seem like it worked. As part of the tour of the mines of Potosi, we then learn that when you Kokakauen often smokes, the smoke but not inhale, but with it a sense the soaked sheets "washed" to give the juice a different flavor. I suspect that this was the reason why the two ladies wanted to smoke. In Potosí, we also got to know a nice woman who sold us the tour of the mines, and came into the conversation with some gentlemen, some of which are already retired (ex-miners), some still working: One of them has been very confident, Evo Morales plunge this year and to get his party to power.
Evo Morales is the first indigenous president of the country (and continent) and raised high hopes in the numerically much superior low proportion of the population: it would be the indigenous population a voice, to her more influence and thus help to increase their prosperity. Since the constitutional amendment that Bolivia has officially plurinacional to a " em done" state, but seems not much happened to be, and at least since the end of the last gasolinazo Year, which led to fuel and gas prices have almost doubled, and thus all the goods had to be more expensive, the anger on the president great. This latter had indeed simply trying to occur through the elimination of subsidies for fuel and gas to the smuggling of goods to neighboring countries.
went to Potosi to Sucre, where we were staying only briefly. Remarkably, the different chocolate shops where really delicious chocolates were sold, which should not hide on the German market.
In Cochabamba, we had more time. I had the impression that there was to see there not so many costumes that indigenous Culture that is not quite so present was. (Henry will correct me if wrong, I hereby lay ...) The Cochabambinos made an overall relaxed and friendly impression. Some asked us on the street where we were then, and talked to us, other residents of "the German Wlethauptstadt volunteers" could be one of us no longer continue to impress.
Bolivia I was very well liked: Although I am always on the harshness and ignorance (as if all whites were rich and came from the United States ...) annoyed predominated, but the positive impressions, the colors, the costumes , spectacular Landscapes, good food. And again I had to ask myself: How would we be Germans, if our government financially in the end, all the corrupt authorities and the promises of the politicians were all lies? How would we tick if we can not trust a [political] system, education would be a rare commodity and very few of us would have a secure future? How would we respond to all the foreign visitors who visit Germany and would zurückflögen then return to their more affluent countries? I do not know ...
I am well aware of what I would do if my e
Rünger nfügen keyboard go crazy dignity and endless rows
would, so the scream
ben part
se would be impossible:
I would type in to stop d
. (Actually, the whole text was so
i c h
him have the Lesbark
t half but reacts
Kei ne
idea what is here
r going on ...)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Wifi Blocking Material
Back and
BACK IN Pucara! It rains continue and is foggy, and I think the mti Peter is no longer running. But so be it: I'm kinda glad to be back! Nice to be able to chat with old friends! The family had changed, which was a little sad because I have the old family but very close to the heart. But are the rules of the game ...
I have a whole series of pictures uploaded follow longer. Even a text about the people I've met on the trip or observed, will follow shortly. Enjoy the photos - for my friend Alex, I've added a few extra shots with people ...
BACK IN Pucara! It rains continue and is foggy, and I think the mti Peter is no longer running. But so be it: I'm kinda glad to be back! Nice to be able to chat with old friends! The family had changed, which was a little sad because I have the old family but very close to the heart. But are the rules of the game ...
I have a whole series of pictures uploaded follow longer. Even a text about the people I've met on the trip or observed, will follow shortly. Enjoy the photos - for my friend Alex, I've added a few extra shots with people ...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
What Does A Normal Switch Do
first photos from Puerto Lopez
AFTER SOME TIME do I sign up now again from Ecuador: My flight last week was uneventful, I arrived safely from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz and from there to Panama City and then to Quito.
In Quito Henry picked me up from the airport. It was nice to see him after half a year again and funny to meet him in Quito. We spent a quiet afternoon in the capital, slept in the Mariscal tourist area and drove the next morning to the bus station in the south of Quito Quitumbe - not to have pan de yuca without , cassava eaten.
came from Quitumbe from Henry to the return to Cochabamba, I went to the beach where I wanted to recover from travel fatigue and Polly meet. The trip was a little stressful because I did not know whether and I like should I arrive on the same day. In the end I went to Porto Viejo, from there to Jipijapa and finally had a while to take a taxi because no more buses driving.
Nevertheless, I managed to come Sunday night in Ayampe: Polly is the beginning of January there and I had chosen the spot to take a step back before returning to Pucará something. And the goes well in Ayampe: The place is located between the fishing village of Puerto Lopez and the tourists and party stronghold Montanita, right on the beach has to offer, especially surfing schools, yoga instruction, sea and sun. One can do nothing all day long and burn properly on your mood.
One can but wonder, too. So I'm often employed. Most people who live in Ayampe are not originally from there: Many North Americans have settled there and also a German who runs a café there, had met me. Summer, sun, sunshine - drop life pure! It goes good, feels a bit like a big family and is not worried about anything. Why should they? The world is beautiful!
But a drop of life must also be financed somehow. And so does the morning yoga class ten dollars, the three-hour walk five dollars, and a pizza that is tasty indeed but not really special mention, at best, eight dollars. What you have, have not vierlorts: that sell products over the purchase price in order to make profit, is operating here all the more. I think that's right: As long as tourists are willing to pay those prices, the North American or Central European comparison is not particularly high, will it work. I personally have difficulty with this type, however: If I pay for everything with cash needs, I find it somewhat difficult for me at home and thus correct to feel good ...
Tonight I am going to Quito, tomorrow morning I will arrive in Otavalo. There I am going with Stephanie, my mentor, meet and talk about the intermediate seminar to which I am not published, because I did not get the invitation. After it's back to Pucara, where people also got taught well that they can demand money from foreigners and should: North American influence everywhere. Let's see the last months!
The cafe, the Lea from Germany in Ayampe runs, by the way different: For delicious food and teas, there is no fixed price, the store keeps afloat with donations so that the angry mood of the dollar not dirty. It works!
AFTER SOME TIME do I sign up now again from Ecuador: My flight last week was uneventful, I arrived safely from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz and from there to Panama City and then to Quito.
In Quito Henry picked me up from the airport. It was nice to see him after half a year again and funny to meet him in Quito. We spent a quiet afternoon in the capital, slept in the Mariscal tourist area and drove the next morning to the bus station in the south of Quito Quitumbe - not to have pan de yuca without , cassava eaten.
came from Quitumbe from Henry to the return to Cochabamba, I went to the beach where I wanted to recover from travel fatigue and Polly meet. The trip was a little stressful because I did not know whether and I like should I arrive on the same day. In the end I went to Porto Viejo, from there to Jipijapa and finally had a while to take a taxi because no more buses driving.
Nevertheless, I managed to come Sunday night in Ayampe: Polly is the beginning of January there and I had chosen the spot to take a step back before returning to Pucará something. And the goes well in Ayampe: The place is located between the fishing village of Puerto Lopez and the tourists and party stronghold Montanita, right on the beach has to offer, especially surfing schools, yoga instruction, sea and sun. One can do nothing all day long and burn properly on your mood.
One can but wonder, too. So I'm often employed. Most people who live in Ayampe are not originally from there: Many North Americans have settled there and also a German who runs a café there, had met me. Summer, sun, sunshine - drop life pure! It goes good, feels a bit like a big family and is not worried about anything. Why should they? The world is beautiful!
But a drop of life must also be financed somehow. And so does the morning yoga class ten dollars, the three-hour walk five dollars, and a pizza that is tasty indeed but not really special mention, at best, eight dollars. What you have, have not vierlorts: that sell products over the purchase price in order to make profit, is operating here all the more. I think that's right: As long as tourists are willing to pay those prices, the North American or Central European comparison is not particularly high, will it work. I personally have difficulty with this type, however: If I pay for everything with cash needs, I find it somewhat difficult for me at home and thus correct to feel good ...
Tonight I am going to Quito, tomorrow morning I will arrive in Otavalo. There I am going with Stephanie, my mentor, meet and talk about the intermediate seminar to which I am not published, because I did not get the invitation. After it's back to Pucara, where people also got taught well that they can demand money from foreigners and should: North American influence everywhere. Let's see the last months!
The cafe, the Lea from Germany in Ayampe runs, by the way different: For delicious food and teas, there is no fixed price, the store keeps afloat with donations so that the angry mood of the dollar not dirty. It works!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Letter Of Appeal Admission To Doctoral Programs
The basic provision of household goods is secured by the area of the ubiquitous "sari-sari stores. The sari-sari usually offers primarily non-perishable finished goods in Individual portions, canned sardines, shampoo, detergent, soap, and any variation of instant coffee. For this often a cup of hot water to get. Another component of the offer is a wide selection of snacks (bread - or to include sweet rolls), sweets, Zigeretten and rum, sometimes cold drinks. If the operator exactly a surplus of bananas, eggs, or the like, there is also this available. One looks in vain for newspapers, chocolate bars and sausage. ;-)
The sari-sari also form the basis of marketing of the three major mobile network operators, since you are purchasing and prepaid credit for his mobile phone can. For this purpose, you have to type in his number in the mobile phone of the seller and then get the amount you would pay for one credit.
course, the owner of such a shop in a supermarket to regularly replenish their inventory. For the other customers there, it means merely to guard, not the cash to to fall behind such a small business and then have to watch it, recounts how the lady at the cash register hundreds of coffee and peanut packs. However, any person who wants to live here happily, the virtue of patience have internalized otherwise ...
The nearest sari-sari is never far in the Philippines. Even in the most remote mountain areas, it is probably only a walk away, which may be due to (felt) that business operates every other family, usually with very little turnover, but also with little effort. One side of the house is equipped with a large, barred window with a small hatch, with a bit of seed capital, the first product purchased and as soon as a "Aaayoo" sounds, it's time to use his first customers ...
Gloss also reflects the globalization back in the plastic packaging of the Sari-Sari products. There are, no matter how far away from the nearest paved road, read the company names of many global players. So you will
find themselves in a negligent Sari-Sari always at least three different Nestlé products and on the placards on the front facade usually at least once to read the coca cola logo.
As for the poster advertising coca cola is only beaten by the dominant brand of rum "Tanduay" and the mobile phone companies.
It again follows a small selection of images that illustrate the written to ... look!
The nearest sari-sari from my home in the mountains, including
drink sitting area with coffee
drink sitting area with coffee
On Highway the mountains, you can get here to buy often bananas:)
A city Sari-Sari with attached Eatery in Cebu City
. not to destroy
. not to destroy
impressions on a very well-equipped Sari-Sari
on the west coast of Negros
on the west coast of Negros
* To facilitate reading of the text, I have refrained Betreiber_in , Verkäufer_in to gendering Besitzer_in, Kunde_in and Kleinstunternehmer_in. The "lady at the cash register" is based on the lack of knowledge of male cashiers in supermarkets, I have visited so far. But the Packers (American relic) have been exclusively male ...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Ghagra For Reception India
from Cochabamba
another day I, then end of my trip: Tomorrow evening I will board a plane of the Bolivian Aerosur to fly to Santa Cruz and from there with Copa Airlines of Panama City to Quito. The connection is pretty miserable and, as is customary in Latin America, fairly expensive - but the bus I was about eighty hours on the way and would certainly not a very pleasant trip. So, airplane!
Annika will depart today evening: Take the bus to La Paz and from there tomorrow at noon on a flight to Iquique in northern Chile. Four weeks have now, we traveled together, after we had decided in the summer during a short phone call to take advantage of that we are now both in South America: Many planned we do not, but the deal that we made in the summer, have met and we have seen so few of the highlights of Latin America ...
I have always thought, as it would for go on after the trip: Both Machu Picchu and the Salar de Uyuni stood for years on my travel wish list - and both places I have now traveled, and what remains now, the places I want to yet to discover for me? I do not know yet. Right now I'm pretty saturated in terms of travel experiences. Being away makes you tired and strained from time to time at the sole reason, because you have no home, no retreat. There are also uncertainties regarding planning and plan changes, health problems and financial difficulties, thousands of tips and warnings, as well as numerous volatile and a pair of connecting friends.
The last few days in Cochabamba I truly enjoyed, we were allowed to live in the apartment of my friend Henry , said Henry was not there / is. While I was coming from Ecuador, while in Bolivia, visited the Henry yap intermediate seminar in Ecuador. Also, I should be at this seminar, alone: the invitation has not reached me, so I of the seminar, by chance, already learned in Bolivia and in possession of my air tickets ...
From the beautiful house with even more beautiful roof terrace, we started a day to hike Cochabamba, learn and experience. We got to know German and Argentinian street artist volunteers saw once more traditional robes and technically demanding graffiti, visited the cancha , Cochabamba's enormous market, ate delicious ravioli, the famous salteñas acceptable Bolivian and drank wine.
course, we also visited the Cristo , the Christ statue that towers over the city: it overlooks the famous Christ to some of Rio de Janeiro and is the largest walk-Christ statue in the world! The view from the many small openings in the concrete sculpture is not bad, because of the pungent odor of urine in the statue but not long endure. Beautiful is the view of the city from the forecourt of the figure.
to Cristo drove Annie and I'm not being two had in the meantime also found a friend from NicaNetz , Sebastian Erb the way to Cochabamba, which led us to a small meeting, during which we decided all together to go to Cochabamba landmark. Sebastian has done this in the evening on the way to La Paz and is touring Latin America in search of exciting, (be) worth writing stories for a few months. Suerte!
I will walk again afterwards in Henry's apartment, my latest custom Hose testing and initiate with Annika on a successful journey. Morning, to the great packing and a final highlight, by the reports on Saturday in the sports section is. On Saturday I will meet Henry in Quito on Sunday and take the way back to Pucará, with a detour to the Pacific coast.
I will report back in time - until then, Be well!
another day I, then end of my trip: Tomorrow evening I will board a plane of the Bolivian Aerosur to fly to Santa Cruz and from there with Copa Airlines of Panama City to Quito. The connection is pretty miserable and, as is customary in Latin America, fairly expensive - but the bus I was about eighty hours on the way and would certainly not a very pleasant trip. So, airplane!
Annika will depart today evening: Take the bus to La Paz and from there tomorrow at noon on a flight to Iquique in northern Chile. Four weeks have now, we traveled together, after we had decided in the summer during a short phone call to take advantage of that we are now both in South America: Many planned we do not, but the deal that we made in the summer, have met and we have seen so few of the highlights of Latin America ...
I have always thought, as it would for go on after the trip: Both Machu Picchu and the Salar de Uyuni stood for years on my travel wish list - and both places I have now traveled, and what remains now, the places I want to yet to discover for me? I do not know yet. Right now I'm pretty saturated in terms of travel experiences. Being away makes you tired and strained from time to time at the sole reason, because you have no home, no retreat. There are also uncertainties regarding planning and plan changes, health problems and financial difficulties, thousands of tips and warnings, as well as numerous volatile and a pair of connecting friends.
The last few days in Cochabamba I truly enjoyed, we were allowed to live in the apartment of my friend Henry , said Henry was not there / is. While I was coming from Ecuador, while in Bolivia, visited the Henry yap intermediate seminar in Ecuador. Also, I should be at this seminar, alone: the invitation has not reached me, so I of the seminar, by chance, already learned in Bolivia and in possession of my air tickets ...
From the beautiful house with even more beautiful roof terrace, we started a day to hike Cochabamba, learn and experience. We got to know German and Argentinian street artist volunteers saw once more traditional robes and technically demanding graffiti, visited the cancha , Cochabamba's enormous market, ate delicious ravioli, the famous salteñas acceptable Bolivian and drank wine.
course, we also visited the Cristo , the Christ statue that towers over the city: it overlooks the famous Christ to some of Rio de Janeiro and is the largest walk-Christ statue in the world! The view from the many small openings in the concrete sculpture is not bad, because of the pungent odor of urine in the statue but not long endure. Beautiful is the view of the city from the forecourt of the figure.
to Cristo drove Annie and I'm not being two had in the meantime also found a friend from NicaNetz , Sebastian Erb the way to Cochabamba, which led us to a small meeting, during which we decided all together to go to Cochabamba landmark. Sebastian has done this in the evening on the way to La Paz and is touring Latin America in search of exciting, (be) worth writing stories for a few months. Suerte!
I will walk again afterwards in Henry's apartment, my latest custom Hose testing and initiate with Annika on a successful journey. Morning, to the great packing and a final highlight, by the reports on Saturday in the sports section is. On Saturday I will meet Henry in Quito on Sunday and take the way back to Pucará, with a detour to the Pacific coast.
I will report back in time - until then, Be well!
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