Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is Liver Damage Painful

Well, something (or: I am a journalist)

QUO VADIS, WIKIPEDIA? As I earlier for the preparation of a short article for the newspaper a couple of information needed and sought this in the wiki, I was somewhat surprised when I offered the following picture:

(notice the " Article of the Day «...)

Anyway - my research I was able to close and write the article. Since I must return from the holiday I am officially employed even when Periódico INTAG where I write new articles and translating old. But it is really just got going when the next edition is printed, so next Week: Then, given the topics for the next edition, and I will have enough time for thorough investigation.

to working with the newspaper I'm curious: The former leader, Mary Ellen is currently working in Quito and was the driving force of the small Intag newspaper that reports primarily on environmental protection and local happenings and the only newspaper in the region is. Mary Ellen, a U.S. citizen, came some three decades after Ecuador and founded ten years ago, the newspaper said. She earned beyond the boundaries of time Intag a certain reputation, gained some journalists prices. Now it is, as I said, in Quito. Her post as chief of the newspaper Carolina has taken over, and in the small office of the newspaper right now is in turmoil. The money will be scarcer and scarcer, the time until the newspaper goes to print, shorter and shorter and is missing the person who coordinates the work and the employees, if necessary, occurs in the ass.

I fear that this "power vacuum will lead" in the newspaper does not necessarily lead to high quality journalism and that me, my new job always brings close to my frustration limit. But I'm interested only conditionally: a few small tasks I have in Pucará yet, so I do not get bored. And these days we visited a group from the United States - that may donate enough money so we could start with our library project. Wait and see! At times I will report here if it can soon start with the library - and what exactly we intend to be!


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