Friday, November 27, 2009
Is There Any Program To Record On Ps3
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Plans For Outside Wood Burner
Now I will tell you about the Tanzanian food, which was also one of the biggest changes for me and is. A new country is also a new food culture.
The first meal of the day is known to the breakfast. Breakfast is of course known and it is here also had breakfast, not only in the large sense as we know it from Germany. During the week breakfast is actually not really because after getting up it goes straight to work. On weekends or days off work but there is a small breakfast. For breakfast there is always tea, black tea typically Tanzanian, which one does not drink without sugar - two tablespoons of sugar piled here normally. At the tea are eaten different small bites. The delicious snacks are Maandasis how Krebbel or Berlin, the dough is baked in fat, almost as good as grandma's Krebbel at Mardi Gras. Another Frühstücksmahl are chapatis, greasy pancakes, you can eat delicious without ingredients. But you can be eaten at other meals, for example, with beans. These are the two main buffet meals I have met here. However, Tanzanians also like to eat soup or meat broth in the morning, what matters at all with me. I'm still on "Sweet Breakfast".
The lunch is very big. During the week I eat lunch at school. The school food is very monotonous and not very diverse. Monday is my favorite day, because there is rice with tomato sauce and small pieces of meat, which is really the best school lunch. From Tuesday to Thursday there is simply rice with beans and on Friday, on my "Horrortag", there is pure with maize and beans. For me it is not at all pure, but you can eat two or three spoonfuls of it, so that the stomach is not empty. The food is perfect and has gewürzlos not particularly taste. It amazes me that children eat that, but they also know nothing and do the orphans is the only meal of the day.
evening is always eaten hot, so I get home at night is still a hot meal. This rice tastes better with beans, for example, than at school, as it is stirred into the sauce to the beans crushed coconut. It tastes very much better then. A full meal is delicious spice it here Pilão. The rice is cooked along with many spices and meat. He is then eaten with small cut tomatoes and onions. Actually, only rice is almost here eaten, but there are of course other foods, such as the National Eating Tanzania, for example, ugali. This is a mush, which you can cure. It is eaten with the fingers and then knead it means beautiful. Together with meat or fish and vegetables, he is tolerable, for pure I would not get him down. On the whole it is a very unusual meals, as everything else here. Noodles have not enforced here, but it gives off a kind and spaghetti. When I first got noodles on the table, I was happy right. When I asked to eat, however, started only a problem for me out - the noodles were cooked without salt. After I then doubled the sauce and some salt was made to that is fine. If I'm going to eat me, what I actually do often times, I order mostly Chipsi. The fries are really only as something done differently, fried small potato in the fat. They taste very delicious and the fries are very close. These can then order as Mischinjaki, those are chicken meat on a spit or scrambled eggs or. Chicken is a popular food. It is available everywhere and freshly slaughtered. Chicken here is completely eaten everything from head to toe. When I saw the first nibble Flora chicken feet, I was quite funny. Here, nothing is left over, whether head Neck or foot, you can eat them. Even when all meat is eaten, the bones are worn away completely and the soft even chewed small. To me it seems so that people here simply have no real sense of taste or is only just dull.
But what is absolute madness, are the fruit. Unbelievable what a pleasure. Pineapples, mangoes, papayas, passionfruit, melons, bananas, organs, sugar cane. All these fruits can you buy anywhere on the roads, and to what prices. They are all freshly harvested all and really juicy. In Germany, I've had for example never been so tasty pineapple.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Black Bible Streaming Movies
In this report I will tell you how my daily school life looks like. Every day is different, of course, since I have every day a different timetable.
morning I am with the sunrise, which I unfortunately noticed because of the closely placed houses nothing to between 6 and halb 7th to eat after my morning tea Artemisia (still on her will get more) and a small little thing we go to school. Had breakfast here in Tanzania is never great, at least not as I am used to in Germany, which was a major change already beginning. By car, it then goes toward school, Edith and Robert takes me and puts us into the school when he's not even because I take a Daladala. Edith worked in the school in the school office and managed the finances and all that goes with it. Robert is a filmmaker, he shoots weddings out of it and created a wedding film. His office is located downtown, so will his way past the school. The journey takes a while and is really like any journey a little adventure, we have to drive two major access points (Ubungo and Mwenge) of the city, there are actually all-day traffic jams. Anyway, I am then very early in the school and the classes begin at 8:30 clock after a rhythm exercise with all the students in the schoolyard. In the main teaching phase up to 10 clock I have free play, I'll do there is often little things that help Benela, the gardener in the school garden, janitorial work, kill, type in school newsletters from working on the homepage, the capitol project, or go to the post. The post is not played here by a postman, it is sent to lockers in the Post Office, where you must pick them up then. From 10.30 clock to 11 clock is Teabreak, there are some tea and bread or gruel to eat. During the break I manage the school library, children from third grade to here borrow up to two weeks to a maximum of 4 books. Then my work varies from day to day. I'm teaching, tutoring or run my activities that I went away before the break. 13 to 14 clock is Lunch Break, here, there is then in Stuff Room lunch with Edith, Mama Micah works (together with Edith in the school office and Albert. The name of Mama Micah comes from her son, because the oldest is Micah, so she is called Mama Micah, as it were, Mama by Micah . Thus on here all the mothers mentioned. After lunch, I teach on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays computer and Wednesdays sport in seventh grade. Thursday is after each of the school of 15 clock bis 17 clock Faculty Meeting (teacher or school conference). There are discussed in the first hour of different things, problems of students to organizational matters. In the second hour there is a kind of Waldorf education. Since most teachers Waldorf education has not prepared itself for a week before another teacher and then directs the hour over the child's development, by Rudolf Steiner. After school I walk to the bus terminal and take a Mwenge Dalla Dalla homecoming or even kill some things in the city. Often I go then to the Internet Cafe to keep me up to date and to check my mail and send it. The Internet cafe is near the school, so it is easier for me to go there directly after school than at the weekend. Unfortunately it is just incredibly bad, although I am lost now and a lot of nerves.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Were To Buy Little Pet Shop Car
The second month is now over a month with many new experiences, whether at school or leisure.
particularly in the school has changed a lot. In music education with the first class I started with rhythm exercises, as I noticed that some children to have very great difficulties. In addition to the rhythm exercises I will now always a group of flutes and the other to clap and sing. In computer classes, there is only way forward jerk, as very often the power goes out. However, I will not then fail to teach, but make "dry" courses. I also started in the sixth grade to teach German. The school's goal ......
No, the report is of course not the end. But for security reasons I do not want the full Show report, so you see only the beginning of my article. If you want to read completely in love just write me an e-mail. I suppose you are also happy in my mailing list so you will get sent directly accessible the latest news from Tanzania.
boiling-jonas [at]
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Dragonball Doujin Game
Benny Teo and get ready for the hike:
Teo lets his emotions compared to the bus driver run wild
Benni with rooster on the "streets" Punta de Chorros:
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What Are Good Quotes For Picniking
After some time I sign up again back alive from the Dom.Rep. Lately, much has happened and it is impossible to play everything. So I'll just play a few times for German-new experiences.
Life here is incredibly different and safe for you to understand very difficult.
Every morning I drive with 3 publicos carro and a bus to my work, which takes so about 1 1 / 2 hours. In the publicos carro ("public cars") to be squeezed into the backseat and fourth to second on the front a seat. Thus, then travels for 15 pesos through the city. Stop doing it this carros by standing on the street and makes a nice gesture with his hand. The cars usually look also highly uncertain, in Germany they would not come anymore at all through the rear!
Who pictures want to see it, looking at Google for "carro publico". I myself could make them sorry, no photo, because I really do not want to get out the camera to take everywhere. As a white, "rich American"'m even more at risk of being assaulted than any other. So one should be unique careful!
The streets look different here than in Germany. Potholes everywhere and how the traffic works here I have not looked very still as Duch. In any case, it is called "Who honks loudest drives, first". may fail to cross the road to nowhere, the pedestrian traffic lights in the world are turned off and you must always look, if maybe somewhere a car or moped sped around the corner is. I tell you, if I can own the market here for a year to live, I will be happy!
Here where I live the roads are still fairly clean and empty, where I work, the whole thing looks very different. The streets are full of people, garbage, stray dogs and selling goods such as fruits and vegetables. The photos you see here are harmless, but also on the situation in the slum I could not even take any pictures. You just have to let your imagination play.
Now a little bit today about my day. The school choir had a concert today and I will try to show you a video. The chorus is quite well and has already won some prizes. You can tell the children to also correct about how much fun making them sing!
I think this will no longer work, but maybe I can nachfügen in the course of days.
In any case I am doing very well here and I would love total over a few comments! Oh, and you can see more photos at / photos / piagehtweltwaerts
Romantic Things To Write In Card
is re elapsed time, time with new impressions, new ideas and there is much to tell. Step by step I will tell you this and present to you my new life. Finally, I've still got almost a year from now. Many things you have already learned, especially that which has occupied me greatly at the beginning. But there are still many things I want to talk about and it is determined more be many.
here in Dar Es Salaam, Dar short, I feel that is trying to be and to live in Europe. You can say it is .....
No, the report is of course not the end. But for security reasons I will not view the full report, so you see only the beginning of my article. If you want to read completely in love just write me an e-mail. I suppose you are also happy in my mailing list so you will get sent directly accessible the latest news from Tanzania.
boiling-jonas [at]
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Are Dune Buggies Legal In Nj
The school year at the Waldorf School Hekima consists of three terms (September-November, January-March, May-July) and half each term is a week's holiday and the December, April and August. Now we had the first week of holidays, the first term break, and it was now a school trip to the interior. We drove three days after Mafinga and a day in the Mikumi National Park. In Mafinga is a bio-dynamic farm, which we visited, it is central and south into Tanzania. Mikumi National Park, we cut back on the road.
Saturday morning is our school trip, with thirty students who could afford it, a mixture of classes 4 to 7, four teachers, two volunteers, the bus driver and all his baggage. We went with our school bus, which had been approved only for 30 persons and not much room offered for luggage. The outward journey was a pure adventure for me. The first time I left Dar Es Salaam and saw the country! Slowly and overcharging we left the biggest human capital of East Africa. The further we drove into the center of the country, the more the landscape began to change. The cottages were changed less and cement stone houses with corrugated iron roofs, brick and clay house with grass roofs. The palm trees were less and I felt like the coast and ended as the fascinating interior enchanted me. Watching was now a steppe, the savannah of East Africa. Long sections, we now drove on the highway through the wild savannah. Now and then came a Lehmhüttenansiedlung, then long nothing, then even a large village with a church or mosque and small shops. On the roadside, onion, tomato, sugar cane sellers were seeing, which were sold by the locals. The African vegetables could see me often, especially when we went on a river delta over. From the plains walked slowly and almost continuously on the mountains until we reached 1600m on the African highlands. I was very tired, could never close my eyes for fear of missing something of the charming landscape. After 13 hours of trip we are now in the evening on the farm in a typical African village, near Mafingas arrived and were we receive from a group of singing children's village. We were now right in the African bush, no electricity, nothing. The farm was run by a European who has a local woman to woman. In the villages there were many orphans and children whose parents have serious problems with alcohol, the biggest problem, however, Adis. Every second person is HIV-positive, even the smallest children. Click for the children, the farm was a base, after school they come here and get a meal, which for many is the only day. I realized how many children lack the affection, they came to me, looked around and wanted to be taken for a ride. This is one reason that here her volunteer come from Sweden, they give the children the lack of love. When we were there, three volunteers were on site, but the volunteers are only up to a maximum of three months there. At a campfire, there would be in wonderful, beautiful, comfortable, eating too well what sentient round. Then we moved into our room and went to bed very tired from the trip. What struck me right here in the darkness of the night sky, which I believe has never been so close was. The climate here is also completely different than on the coast. Here it was much cooler when the sun disappeared I took my sweater, the climate here reminded me a bit of my Heimart. The next day we took a long walk over several small villages, with a pause, in which we are pumped to a fountain of fresh water. The cottage in the village include individual families, they lived in a family that no longer has as her house and the land around it lying in the most corn is grown. The people here work only for their daily meal. Many more opportunities to employment that is not here. During the hike we had a wonderful view of the African highlands with these little clay house. In the evening we gathered with the other children from the villages around a camp fire and formed a large circle around it. Alternately sang the village and school children and led them against each other and what finally all danced around together around the fire, all the children were very happy and had lots of fun. How do I, and finally it was the turn of volunteers we have, say with a guitar "No Women, No Cry" by Bob Marley, who knew everyone there. It was a wonderful evening, which I enjoyed very much. Mondays then stood on a major project. We should help the goat shed further build. The goat pen was previously only from a wooden frame on the dirt floor should now be added. We watered the earth in a field so that it became mud, they stomped and clapped softly this soft ground then to the wooden frame, forming the wall. We were busy the whole morning and afternoon and only up to half the height of the four walls of their progress. A really elaborate work, when you note that mithälfen thirty children and we were getting so little. Albert began the afternoon and I still cover the roof. We cut off in the long blades of grass roots, and covered in tufts of the house. A very interesting work, a pity that we could not make the house ready, because the very next day we drove off. The next morning we went to go very early to Mikumi National Park. In the same bus full, wide, long way back and this trip was purely a shopping trip. Onions, tomatoes, sugar cane and baskets were bought by all, whether children or teachers and that although the bus was already full. Whatever led to the us soon blew a tire. Once in the Mikumi National Park, we were guided by a guide through the park, the first time I saw the wild animals of Africa. I got the elephant in pure wilderness on a moat, which also hippos could be seen. They drank water, freshened up and went finally to be like this getröte. From another tour guide told us that was not far from us to see a lion, and soon I was only five meters away from a lioness, which blew her straight. A magnificent, powerful animal that fascinated me and gave me full attention. I also saw zebras, giraffes, Buffalo, wildebeest, warthogs, antelopes and baboons, monkeys were seen outside the national parks are often on the roadside. It was a heady feeling, and it was clear to me, that was certainly not the last time in a national park. After a night in the village of Mikumi, our shopping spree continued in the direction to the port of peace (translation of Dar Es Salaam). In the country everything is cheaper than in the city, which all took advantage. Back home, I noticed this enormous volume directly, which I was allowed to miss the last few days, since there was no electricity. A boy of my age told me on the farm, "the children of the city are white, the children here are black, if, after It would go Dar es Salaam, it would also be white. This statement was engaged or occupied me now. I think he has a sense right, more in my next report.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pet Friendly Resorts Near Bangalore
way you love, now you are allowed the first pictures from the Dom.Rep. . Admire You can find them at the following link, which I will now insert linkable even in the right. More reports coming soon, but the photos give an impression indeed probably know this from my life here.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cover Letter To Apply For An Apartment
The last uploaded photo may perhaps not catch this appearance, but after FULL-work a week is me realize how hard this job can be. I work every day from 8.30 to 17.30 and in addition to my main task to take care of the children often come to work even in the yard. Yesterday I removed as weeds all morning, now I have painted two racks in bright red and yellow. "To the kids watching" meant today, among other things, to clean the face of a child because it has tried to eat earth.
is pleasing in any case the weather: After long hesitation shows now but the spring and most of the time the sun shine. To make matters worse, we will face even a long weekend because the next Monday is a holiday. We will use this opportunity to travel to La Serena, a city in the sunny north.
Last but not least I want to be mentioned on this page my respect ("test") the radio station "horizonte 103.3 'pay: in addition to Ratatat, Morrissey, Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens, Cake, Mogwai, Portishead, Antony and the Johnsons, Elliott Smith (and many others) was here even once the Weilheim band The Notwist played.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Catchy Slogans For Juice
is now the first twelve months passed. Looking back, I must say that I have experienced this month very much. A lot of new experiences and impressions dominate this very first month. In my first review you've experienced my first week was. Some of the technological genanten new impressions I had processed over time, other process I'm still alive. What I notice is that everything takes time. Initially brasste everything at me, I had absolutely no sense of direction and could remember nothing. In time, I feel all doing fine. Firstly, the Dalla Dalla drive. Dalla Dallas, the city buses, small Japanese car buses that are full of bruised people. When I saw the first time, I thought I should ever take these buses alone. Now it works, but it's very chaotic. First, the scramble at the entrance and the other watching, that I do not get stolen or to know which bus goes in which direction. Washing or going to the toilet are no problems after that was done several times, you get the best techniques out already. Similarly, the food with your right hand, without silverware, was at first funny, But the yes is not a problem as a child we all have eaten with hands. On what I still must get used to the overall volume is here. To me it seems so as if I took ear plugs out of the ear since I'm here. Whether it's the loud music in the bars, the TV or home stereo or car radio now, everything here is always turned up fully and then with full bass. Since I already enjoy the odd power cut, the more often occurrences. Similarly, the Tanzanians have a very powerful and impressive voice. In addition to the start of the school, of whom you know already, I have in my spare time also experienced a lot. So I was, for example, the first time in the Indian Ocean . Baden We made a trip to South Beach, the most beautiful stand section of Dar Es Salaam. The water was very warm, the white fine sandy beach was wonderfully soft under my feet and stuck out in the background many palm trees. How is the Indian Ocean just so imagine. Among other things, I was now also the first time in the City Centre. There, every day is a typical African market, with lots of people who are there on the way, here is hardly room to walk and then squeeze still honking cars in between. Here you get on the road really all it takes. Barker would not be here indispensable. After my third week I was standing before a long weekend. As more than eindrittel the Tanzanian Population are Muslims, Sunday and Monday were holidays, because of Ramadan was over. Two Muslim friends of George invited us to dinner on Sundays. For them it was the first meal of the day for several weeks. After dinner they took us to downtown, where a great feast was celebrated. All Muslims were able to come here and demonstrations, could view such as in karate. George and I were probably the only Christians there, we were received with joy. The next day I showed George with two other friends in the Coco Beach. Here was full of people, as was a holiday, yes. The beach was crowded and was also played on a big stage live music. This beach is on the local population is very popular. People were only the first ten feet in the water, since no one can swim. My Swahili is so slow and his GUIDELINES. At first I could not, as I said, hold nothing really, but in the last, fourth week I could start this now also. Since the second week I had to fight the cold, which will not heal. I also got a flu infection at the end of the month with suspected typhoid fever (which turned out not to luck), because I stupidly careless drunk unboiled water. That was once an experience that I'll have to deal with me, whether sooner or later. Stupid is that I two days I missed in school.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Biggest Pierced Tits
Yes, now it's finally my first round mail. There is much to tell and I wonder if all this is to put into words what I experienced in the last days here. It all began with the flight from Frankfurt to Paris and then with the other volunteers on Punta Cana to Santo Domingo. There we were picked up by AFS volunteers and - after the matter was with a lost luggage (fortunately not mine) resolved - brought by bus to our Arrival-camp. A mega villa with pool and lots Open space! Stunningly beautiful! There is a lot then I ns also 05.00hd e time throwing up i bed.
The next 2 days we spent there, so, somewhere outside of Santo Domingo and were ready again to the rites and customs of the Dominican Republic. What we will probably all fall hardest is "indirectly can" of the Dominicans. They say that is not directly "No, you must not" or "Do something, even clean your room" but somehow beautiful package it possible to to hurt anyone. trying to find out whether there is now still in order, to take pleasure or the like, to me is determined not fall long hard.
On Wednesday it was then back towards Santo Domingo and the AFS office there. There we were divided, some money was given for the bus and then it went off for them in their new home towns. The rest of us stayed there and felt for hours, I finally picked up by my host family. Consisting of Karla, my host sister (19) and Juana, my host mom. We are then taking the car Drove home, we live here in an apartment, I have my own room and it's really nice here. Wednesday had unpacked I had gone to the hairdresser with Karla and evening we went with friends from Karla in a "bar", which calls itself "Shots". I was however so tired that I dance, instead of everyone else, just hung in my chair and wanted to go to bed. Sorry!
The Thursday started already rested and then we went by car towards the project. This is at the other end of town, so it really takes long to get there. Thursday was also the setting - due to a holiday, closed on Monday so I can when I start working, the first time a proper look at it. Fortunately, I am going to Yanays there, another volunteer who has been working since January in my project and lives here in my area.
But on to Thursday. Since then we are on ' s Land GEFA lead to a feast for the Virgin Mercedes (Or something?), Namely the holiday was Thursday. It was really interesting, very poor conditions, but still, people were happy and cheerful! However, it was pretty hot in there, even for my family, so we're pretty gone quickly.
evening I was still with my host mom in the church. That was really interesting, but unfortunately I have of the half-hour sermon understood nothing except the word "homosexualidad. Because I would really interested in what the priest said about but I did not dare ask, do not enter that one is in a faux pas. Nevertheless, it was exciting, so here are 95% of the population Catholic, and had just my family.
Yesterday was no longer so much going on, my host sister was, just as today - on Saturday - in the university and after that we were just at a friend of hers, where the had improved had something for both the university and I see my English with CSI.
The friend, however, had an impressive house and I think I'm now really views as the Upper-class lives here!
Today we drive there probably still go there and then to the movies tonight with friends from Karla. Let's see what the day brings an extent.
All in all it likes me better than me, but I'm also looking forward, on Monday finally start work. Right now I have to do here just not as much and as my host mother speaks only English is the conversation but still a bit meager.
The world here is different, but not as different as it is thought in some way. But is probably on balance my family, I was so far only very briefly in the slums of the town and the life was quite different! Anyway, I'm curious to see what life brings me here so and keep you informed on our latest news!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Most Healthy Dried Fruit
Three weeks have now gone by in which I've experienced a lot. Above all, I've collected a lot of new impressions and made some new perceptions. The school was now moving very. get to know after two weeks, getting used to incorporate and have now also started to teach. End of the second week I started music in the first class to teach. The first time I faced a whole class teaching. The students greeted me love with the words "Good Morning Teacher Jonas". The teachers here are all addressed by their first names. That was a weird but nice feeling. And once you no longer students and now times three months after graduating from high school you are already teachers. In a school lockers I found recorders and they brought along. Each student has now received one, she immediately began to blow into it. The attention I received but very fast and then she looked at me with big curious eyes. I showed them how to hold a flute and I played the first, simplest tone A with the left hand and three fingers. Of course I told them not to say how this tone. In the first class, they should just learn to play only what is already hard enough for them. For them it was very hard her fingers in the correct position to hold and then also the holes properly recorded. Actually, no one got a fine sound out. Mausche Bliesen much to be pure and then there were again which is not quite believe. In addition, many took the flute too far into the mouth. I've gone to every one at the table and showed again just how it works. Mausche got it just does not hold to the holes, they also do not even get it that you get a different tone when one holds the holes. Since I've played them a bit, unfortunately I only had Christmas in the head and then I'm not a born flute player. I also played flute years not more, but hopefully it will long for the first class. Now that I have showed everyone how they have to hold the flute properly and now could whistle all a reasonably good form A, G, I took the third pitch to the one played with the left hand and four fingers. They have now got it a little faster. At the end of the day we played alternately A and G. Of course, has not sounded Binding free, but a small difference in sound could be perceived. In the second hour, I brought them with other wood flutes, with which one can learn easier. After everyone had his flute in hand, I've noticed that they have retained nothing from the first hour. I could start again from zero. Few could have the handles, others do not like rum, they should keep the flute and which side did you blow into it. The carved wooden flutes are easier to hold. Again, I went from table to table and have each shown individually how to hold a flute, plays and blows. Then I let every single audition, and then all together. This time we came not to the tone G to play.
At the beginning of the third week I began to computers in the seventh grade to teach. Now I had occupied not by the youngest of the school in front of me but the oldest. This was something completely different. In the seventh grade are 18 students, unfortunately, the school has only 6 usable computer, so we divided the class into three groups. In the first hour I start the students have a computer in her notebook on the first page to draw and asked for what and why to use a computer at all. Then I told them of what constitutes a computer and how it turns on and boots up, told them how to use the mouse for what is the Start Button, which are the folders and how it then goes back down. Most of the children have never used a computer or use. Here I'm starting completely from scratch. This I have noticed especially in the first hour than I have any PC's to boot. None of them knew what to do, she clicked on it wildly. That was a lesson to me and so I ramped up in the second hour to the next set only once just a computer and they there shown everything. In the third and final group is of course everything worked out.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Men Wearing Weejuns Without Socks
there is not much to report. Tomorrow is the Dia de Independencia, just dieciocho (18), in which Chile's independence is celebrated and an excuse for many Chileans, even at noon the first Pisco Sour drink. Because of this holiday is celebrated in the Salacuna all week already: the children have learned Chilean folk dances, which they, not necessarily choreographed properly, but have attracted at least smart and motivated, pre-punched her parents yesterday. Today there was to celebrate the day Chilean delicacies from the grill for the Tias and Tios. Since Saturday, I am the proud owner of a green (very) used road bike, I ride to work since then.
Another important acquisition of the last days, the alarm system for the Casa Renca, installed yesterday. Benni, Teo, Marie and Maltese can therefore rest easy.
will now enjoy the long weekend and I first celebrate the Chilean independence.
Until then,
ps: photos will follow!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Leaf Green Money Hack
After very loving and painful goodbye at Frankfurt airport, my flight began on 29 August 2009 at 15.10 clock in the direction of Cairo, where I had a three-hour stay and from there we went on to Dar Es Salaam. Clock at 5:15 I landed, but I was picked up before 8 clock by a teacher and the school bus driver. They took me to the family in which I am now housed for the next few weeks for now. On the streets of Dar Es Salaam, I can not get out of the shows. The new culture had me under its spell, the people, the streets, the houses (more like cabins, slams like that). At the beginning we took the small school bus briefly on a paved road, but to come to the family, we went over CROSSIG, hilly, sandy bumpy, which I would normally deal only with the cross bike. Very few roads here are paved and level. I arrived in Africa and the first day in Tanzania had begun. The family took me on quite the same welcome to all my names were very much Welcome words "Welcome" and "feel at home". My room and my bed I share me with the 25-year-old son George, he studied in northern Tanzania near Mount Kilimanjaro in Moschi, holiday and just for this time at home. Since the first day, he cares very good care of me and helps me a lot with the situation they get right. When he called me by our district led Tabata, where there is not a paved road, I watched almost all people. I felt the first time like an attraction, especially among children. They ran, laughing and looking around me and shouted "Mzungu" which means white person in Swahili. In the family in the can I am staying there are 5 children all of which are adopted as Edith (my host mother) do not bear children. Life here is not to compare with our European. The house where I live now is very small, has three bedrooms, living room with kitchen, which is already higher standard of living. The cooking is done outside the house. The toilet is also the shower is not in the house. In front of the house is a small Einraumhäuschen if you can call it that, where there is a hole in the ground, like a French toilet. Instead of toilet paper, water is used, with which you also wash - running water and showers are not. You eat with your hands or rather with the right hand, as it ended with his left hand on the toilet his business. However, there are also spoon, which you may use. In the beginning it was very hard to know the new customs and zulernen they cope. I still need some time to settle, but it's very fun to discover this new way of life and are going to really live. I notice that it goes forward.
The next day my first day began in the Hekima Waldorf School. At the beginning I have the things and given a detailed letter of my predecessor, by whom I was acquainted with my new tasks. To start this came before me very much, but if you understand it very quickly incorporating the what is at stake. In addition, I am not alone, the next day was Albert. Albert is another volunteer from Germany, I was allowed to meet at the training seminar. Together we have moved forward faster directly. We have the main responsibility for the orphanage project of the school, which I will come another time to talk to even more accurate. There are more of our areas of responsibility to manage the school library, add tutoring and computer classes and help with the gardening. Albert and I were also other proposals, such as music lessons, sports lessons and crafts that we could bring to the school. This enjoyed Edward and Casmir, school administrators much. Thursday I had my first teacher conference, which will be every Thursday. Albert and I have been here once before all the teachers and nursery trays, also participated, are presented. Friday has begun then the first weekend. Together with my host parents and two friends we are at sea, the Indian Ocean, driven and have eaten very tasty fresh fish. Fine white sand, self-built wooden fishing boats and a fresh sea breeze.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Pregnancy Simulator Game Online
Sun Since Monday, I am now officially "Jonas Tio (Tio = uncle) in the Salacuna Millaray. The children I look after are all about 2 years old, in the Sala next door fits Tia Regina the children until a year. Because Millaray is rather small, there is a pleasant family working atmosphere. The children I was very quickly accepted as a new Tio and climb on my back, screaming while "Caballo, caballo! (= Horse) or want me to take her in his arms and throw into the air. Then the music turned on and the Tias grab her hip movement, and the children demonstrate their sophisticated Rhythmusgefuehl and I realize the stiffness and seriousness of my German genes.
The houses that are up now inhabited in part by two volunteer generations to be more empty. Slowly all the ex-volunteers RETURN fly to Germany. The departure is usually a fairly traenenreiche matter and we are more and more new on our own. Furthermore
is to report that has been in the volunteer house in Renca already broken 2 times. Benni runs since then in short pants (at about 15 degrees) around, as all his trousers were stolen. The biggest loss is probably the laptop that has taken the burglar.
Despite this shocking news I feel home here very much and I'm always pleased to receive your emails!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Toe Hurts When I Bend It
Good day!
'm 2 days ago I finally arrived at the Casa Alberto in the district of Recoleta, Santiago de Chile. I live with 3 very nice girl (Jette, Sarah, Regina) together, the house is quite small but very comfortable. Until now I still sleep on the couch because my bed is occupied by a volunteer last year yet. I am overwhelmed by Chile's beauty: the extent permitted by the smog, you have a beautiful view of the Andes and also "my" Recoleta has, despite a rather run-down city and the poverty that one can not see here, its charm.
Next week will start the course at the Goethe Institute, and from there on we will work two times a week at our place of work until the course is completed. From then we will be fully integrated into the everyday work.
the rest, my first impression also affects the fact that an often than blond-haired looked after, will be behind the girls whistled at every opportunity and called. People but they are mostly very friendly and nice, our neighbor as we added over brought a delicious fried fish and many people in this neighborhood know Sister Carol, a very warm and nice older woman who has built Cristo Vive here in the 70s why one is greeted nice.
So much then to my first impression,
Casa Alberto, my new home:
And again from inside (the living room), it looks undordnetlicher, as it is:
Your Jonas
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dawn And Ash Dojunshi
Now that I have found yet many donors, I realize that a blog in English is difficult to implement. Therefore the official language blog is now but switched to German.
A few weeks ago I had my preparation seminars for the stay in the Dom. Rep. The other participants either go with me to the cathedral. Rep. to or Peru. We have all seen great and learned a lot. All in all a great preparation for our adventure! Now I
enjoy my last weeks in Germany. Nor is the thought of "going" very far away, tomorrow I'm going first go to Stockholm and elsewhere I have other big plans in time.
One of my best friends passed tomorrow but also to Sweden, for an Au Pair year. It is the first to leave us now and in time there are more and more. Funny to imagine that we will soon all be on different continents, scattered all over the world. Departure in die Dom. Rep. ist übrigens am 21.09.2009 und zurück komme ich am 09.09.2010.
Aber noch ist es für mich ein Weilchen bis ich losfahre und diese Zeit werde ich auch genießen!
Friday, July 24, 2009
How You Get Extra Vartabras
yields to age, so life at every stage,
each and every virtue and wisdom Flowers
In their time, and may not last forever.
There must be at the heart of every life calls
Ready for parting, new,
To give bravely and without remorse
In others, new bonds.
In all beginnings dwells a magic
protecting us and helping us to live.
We should clear space to pass through space,
to any as a home to hang
The world of spirit wishes not to fetter us,
He will lift us stage by stage, wide.
soon as we are at home in one circle
, Familiar habit makes for indolence,
Only those willing to depart and travel,
Mag crippling habit entraffen itself.
It perhaps also the hour of death
us new rooms will be sending young,
The call of life to us is never ending ...
Well, my heart, take leave and healthy!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Globe Telecom Roaming Sms Charge
Well.. you know.. actually nothing to blog about but I'm still looking for some people commenting my posts.. so just trying to blog anyways.
Exam in Religion on Wednesday is freaking me out right now! I really want to be finished with this right now! Luckily I really AM on Wednesday, unbelievable!
Seriously, I can't believe that I am really finished with school soon! So that's what brought me to think about my future.. what should I study when I will come back from the Dominican Republic?! I went to a counselor and she encouraged me to start studying what I really like. So probably I will start studying English and cultural anthropology or ethnology or something like that. If everything will work out as I want it to. What do you think about it?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
La Maladie De Usher Powerpoint
I am grateful for the donations received to now at:
St. Martin pharmacy Hohenschäftlarn
Raiffeisenbank Isar Valley Isar Valley
bookstore (thanks Mom!)
Protestant church Ebenhausen Schäftlarn
Dr. Florian Langenscheidt
M. and S. Hoesch GmbH
focus and all relatives and friends who have supported me.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Retirement For E6 With 20 Nyears
Now I'm up to tell you some boring facts about my life. As probably most of you know, my name is Pia. I'm 19 years old and having my final exams at high school right now. In September, I am going to do my volunteering in the Dominican Republic. I will work in a kindergarten and elementary school in Santo Domingo. If you'd like to know more about my project, click here .
To do this, I need the help of friends, I need people to fund my work. You won't believe how strange it is to ask people for money. I am really feeling with the beggars on the streets, having to do this to total strangers all day long. I've already got 700€ due to my birthday and reeeeally nice friends and relatives! Thanks so much!
Thats all for now about my future, now I have to think of the present again. Final exams are NO FUN, I can tell you. Today I had my German exam and.. well, I think it went alright.. we'll see in June.
Un abrazo cariñoso, Pia
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Free Printable Harley Davidson Invitations
ten o' clock in the evening. actually too late to start writing what this blog is about. BUT: if you can read the header of the blog, you'll know. Pia (also called "me") is going to the Dominican Republic. Yes indeed. I'll work as a volunteer and in this blog I'll let you know about my time over there. Actually it's 6 months to go until I'll leave but you know how Germans are...punctual. I'm writing in english which my parents will hate me for 'cause they won't understand everything but it's for my international friends to understand. So: Mum, Dad, if you wanna read this: Learn english! ;-)
That's it for tonight, too tired to explain everything, 6 months should be enough time to do that though..
I hope you all sleep well!
Love, Pia