Sunday, March 6, 2011

P90x Quicksilverscreen

! Cockfight! Sari-Sari Store

After basketball, I would consider cockfighting to be the second largest popular sport in the Philippines. In the country actually almost every family has at least a fighting cock, which is raised with love and trained over a certain age and over again. On many occasions, see also cocks dangling upside down from the handlebars of a motorcycle. In contrast to Hahn, is to provide for their young, the Gamecocks tied the most of their lives in one leg and have to fight from technical reasons, give up their comb. After good growth and extensive training is it then to a private cockfight or even to a "derby" in the next (subject occurs) Arena. Click to connect Cock fighters and their teams and a set number of roosters against each other. For example, with three taps, each of which Hahn denies a fight. Winner of the tournament, all teams that taps all three fights have won. Is there more, the prize money is shared.
Each rooster gets a very sharp blade attached to one leg and fought with this weapon more or less unconsciously his rivals. It has happened also that the two fighters to ignore the first several minutes and pick under the eyes of hundreds of spectators a few grains. Sooner or later, however, will discharge their winged aggression, leaving at least one victim. The key
however, is betting on every single fight. Here goes, or fly a lot of money and makes everything into a last "big deal" or even a science. After the audience could examine the taps in "to make warm," is introduced by a bell, the betting phase, and it starts a loud commotion in the betting, there are hand signals, use the same enemies. Sometimes the bets are also taught and it is probably often enough for whole months' wages. After the fight, the gambling debt paid, the sum in the form of paper money crumpled the winner will be thrown or passed.
is of course not every breeder and owner for the fight in the arena, but it is an industry with many participants. Allegedly cost the best "pure blood" fighting cocks along with pedigree up to 30,000 pesos or 500 €. Furthermore, not only special food available, but also a variety of substances that may be at the races and the Tour de France usually be used. The real added value for their cock-fighting is, however, probably mainly in the conversation and then into the soup ...

Here are a few pictures on the topic. However, as the pictures show, it is at this sport clearly a male domain ...

two cocks the diekt in the eye of the Lord are kept outside the front door
The Arena: It is bet - volume level of a disco
There is complete silence again and the key rivals away ...
... and fall on one another!
Visiting a breeder in the mountains:
to warm to the training - the adrenalin level is raised to Kampfniveu ... is
trained ... of course without a blade and a padded spur
Hahn Farm in Banago / Bacolod - old tires act as weather protection

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Find Spots To Cruise In Ohio

Money, money, money ...

FINANCIAL situtation many Ecuadorians and Ecuadorians leaves little room for maneuver and negotiation options when it comes to work: Basically, every job has to be accepted so badly paid and so unworthy of it (in our eyes) also may be! Every dollar that is earned is precious, and the state support of thirty-five dollars a month for poor and / or old people in the country ranges from barely enough to feed a family and is designed for urban women and city dwellers no more than charity.

My host mother Delia lives in Pucará not really. She moved back there four years ago, because there are houses for needy Were people for whom we had only a few hours to do gemmeinnütziger work and pay one hundred and thirty dollars - work she found not. So they decided to move to Garcia Moreno, a small town, an hour bus ride located deep in Intag. There, she lives in a hut made of plastic, which I'd like to meet next week, and works in agriculture. It deserves five or six dollars a day if it helps with the harvest - that's more than they would get paid in Pucará. The fact that they only occasionally work has and can not be the issue of job security, they hardly bother: Somehow, she brings her children (and grandchildren) of ends meet and live close to relatives.

Anders Fernando here seems to tick. He is the husband of Paula, one of the two remaining English teachers of the English school, I work for, and father of two young children. Paula works in Consorcio Toisán , a nongovernmental organization based in Apuela as a secretary and has a fixed income. In addition, they can rinse their teaching always money in the family budget. Nevertheless, Fernando has decided to leave Intag: In order to finally stop worrying about his job. In Intag although he has diligently and frequently worked on various construction sites and earns accordingly - the wage is for an ordinary worker about ten dollars a day, for a maestro (specialist or general foreman) 12:00 to 15:00. But he could never be sure whether there would be the next day, next week, next month even work.

Now Fernando is working in Oriente, in eastern Ecuador, the Amazon basin. Where oil and is related to money. He worked there for two weeks and then have just under a week's vacation time for the family. He does deserve the jungle four hundred and fifty dollars per month, accommodation, meals, tools and work clothes and their clothes are paid by the company. What work he follows closely in the East, could not even explain Fernando really: He works as to where he was needed.

means Ironically, Fernando's new employer petrochemical amazonas , a company in the Amazon basin - more precisely, the Bloque 15, near the nature reserve Cuyabeno , in the Julian and I went last November - produces oil and processed, and will certainly be more than enough causes damage to flora and fauna. It is the employer of Paula, the Consorcio Toisán a Organistation dedicated to protecting the environment and helps to fight against mining in Intag ... Because

the money is going to change tomorrow, the composition of my host family: Mayra, my older host sister will break up with her daughter Domenica to Loja. This is in the south of the country, where her paternal grandparents live. Mayras grandmother wants her granddaughter to help her in the home and offers to pay for accommodation, food and the costs for their studies. This is an offer that can reject Mayra impossible for financial reasons, although they would not be too far away from home and really study medicine, and accounting: The course seems to be in Loja for them the only possible one.

Ever I have the impression that almost all study Studiernenden Ecuador either tourism or accounting. Whether because later the possibilities of finding a job are great, I doubt ...! Should I be taught a lesson, I will tell them of course!

Monday, February 28, 2011

National Gaurd Backpack

Only the BVB!

SINCE TWO WEEKS I live - yet again - in another family: After my stay with Jaime, Ceidy, Gabi, Narcisa, Francisco, Ruth, Diego and Pamela, I moved back to the village center where I now I live in Doña Delia, with four of her six children: Jenny is sixteen and has even been a four-month daughter, Mayra is twenty-one, her daughter one. Christian (probably "Cristhian" written) is eleven, Smith (pronounced "Esmitt") five.

Normally, the family, at least Doña Delia lives with his sons, in García Moreno, something deep in the Intag region. If, however, offers the opportunity to earn money with a volunteer, you take the effort for a temporary move up. What I do not understand it: I am currently living in one of the houses that Peter has built, and are meant for families who can not afford their own house. What is obviously not the case, as can be seen on homes in García Moreno ...

Apart from my new host family, there is nothing to report. I work in the newspaper, the editorial life is not very exciting and I very much doubt at work. Also, I'm more concerned with the twice weekly events taking place with the children, and it is mainly about reading and being creative. And yet I work with Peter, the one very sporadically held jobs.

Nothing exciting from Pucará so. I would therefore like to stop anyone from the more important and more exciting events in the Arab world to read. Or about the Bundesliga ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is Liver Damage Painful

Well, something (or: I am a journalist)

QUO VADIS, WIKIPEDIA? As I earlier for the preparation of a short article for the newspaper a couple of information needed and sought this in the wiki, I was somewhat surprised when I offered the following picture:

(notice the " Article of the Day «...)

Anyway - my research I was able to close and write the article. Since I must return from the holiday I am officially employed even when Periódico INTAG where I write new articles and translating old. But it is really just got going when the next edition is printed, so next Week: Then, given the topics for the next edition, and I will have enough time for thorough investigation.

to working with the newspaper I'm curious: The former leader, Mary Ellen is currently working in Quito and was the driving force of the small Intag newspaper that reports primarily on environmental protection and local happenings and the only newspaper in the region is. Mary Ellen, a U.S. citizen, came some three decades after Ecuador and founded ten years ago, the newspaper said. She earned beyond the boundaries of time Intag a certain reputation, gained some journalists prices. Now it is, as I said, in Quito. Her post as chief of the newspaper Carolina has taken over, and in the small office of the newspaper right now is in turmoil. The money will be scarcer and scarcer, the time until the newspaper goes to print, shorter and shorter and is missing the person who coordinates the work and the employees, if necessary, occurs in the ass.

I fear that this "power vacuum will lead" in the newspaper does not necessarily lead to high quality journalism and that me, my new job always brings close to my frustration limit. But I'm interested only conditionally: a few small tasks I have in Pucará yet, so I do not get bored. And these days we visited a group from the United States - that may donate enough money so we could start with our library project. Wait and see! At times I will report here if it can soon start with the library - and what exactly we intend to be!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nortel T7316e Administrator Reset

As promised ...

OF THE HUMAN that I have met during the trip, I wanted to tell you. Being of "know perhaps only partially possible to speak: I was almost constantly on the move and actually had enough time to get to talk extensively with many people. But could I still get an impression. And that I would try to portray. My

first stop I made in Cuenca in southern Ecuador, a. There I was first on the dialect, which differs significantly from that which is spoken in Intag. I had been announced in advance that I would finally meet the famous cuencanischen singsong: The English have there very own tune. That was not me - but that the speed was quite different than in the northern highlands of Ecuador, did not escape me. In addition to the dialect Cuenca has to offer, of course, a lot. And because of this, the city is visited by many tourists: It is said that Cuenca was the most beautiful city in Ecuador. The Touri
smus cause lasting but not only that some few people involved in tourism have a good income - it also has an impact on the mentality of the people. In Cuenca, it was nothing for nothing: people like it wanted to see for each photo that you wanted to make of them. Friendly question as little as half as tough negotiations. The two small livestock traders wanted a dollars for the photo, which I then did not end. A seller who sold the evening on the bus home-made bags, zippers demanded for its product as much. Next, I took

me in Piura a few hours to see the city, something to eat and to get a first impression of Peru. Again, I got back to hear a different dialect: Piura is located near the coast and the coasts of Latin America seem to excel in that there is a relatively fast and speaks of consonants poor English. Man swallows with passion "s" and "d" and connects all possible words of a sentence to a German vocabulary scale, making it to the untrained ear partially problematic. In Piura, I had the impression that the only white person in town to be - which was a good feeling. You unlock them do not have to get used to the tourism and treated me with respect, but quite natural. Nobody tried to sell me any souvenirs or the like, you left me Might happen.

I was in Lima with a taxi driver in conversation, before I let myself chauffeured to Miraflores. The gentleman was friendly and was quick to talk entangle, put his hand and gave no questions, as I discovered on a subsequent Internet research, many wrong answers. I stayed in Miraflores hardly moved immediately on to Barranco. On the way there I met several runners in the early morning exercise on the cliffs. They were talkative possible. The few people I asked for directions were all the more open-minded and almost overly friendly. But this impression could not last forever: in Barranco Once, a drunk, engaged me in conversation and did not let me anymore. In any attempt to hang him, he called me immediately as a bad person, unfriendly Europeans drowsy or sleepy heads. My next acquaintance was once a taxi driver who was similar to the first, after I came back to Friends of excessive alcohol consumption. They were even nice, but somewhat uncomfortable. And that one of these encounters ended with the most expensive Pisco Sour of the planet, I have already written.

Next on the program as of Cusco. Here we came first in a hostel under whose owners also tours to Machu Picchu offers. The Lord was indeed friendly, but constantly tried to sell us one of his tours. Generally, I had the impression in Cusco, know that many of the people living there, how to deal with tourists welcome in the first place - the customer is king. And always with the goal of getting rid of their product - money rules the world. In the restaurant where Annie and I ate lunch on the first day, we talked for a while with the waiter, whose kindness and willingness to help us enthusiastic: the young man gave us numerous tips on upcoming trip to Machu Picchu. It was a little disillusioning, as we saw him again after the company and he spoke to us - without to remember us, although we certainly longer than half an hour had entertained. In addition to the staff of hostels and restaurants, there were a large number of women who wore the garb of Cusco and wanted to earn money by posing for the tourists, often with a llama on a leash. The few people who were not employed in the tourism industry, yet we came to talk with were all very nice: eye locks, made interesting and apparently at least a little!

In Machu Picchu itself, we met no Peruvians. Especially Brazilians and Argentinians their way here, where the former were almost invariably equipped with flags, which they wore on Huayna Picchu to be photographed there as a good patriot. The South African backpacker mostly occurred on other than their North American or European counterparts: almost always in quite large groups of five or more people, and often a bit louder: The famous temper of Latinos as it were ...

Overall, I would in the few impressions that I gained from Peru say that it seemed to me as if the Peruvians, mostly good for tourism, which plays in some places an important role, prepared and set were . They treated us not as a hostile white colonizers or full of envy, but as potential customers what the situation so thoroughly just was. And if it's not all about business went, the people there were also very nice, if not more friendly.

something different was in Bolivia. In Copacabana we saw almost only tourists who came for it on the Isla del Sol in contact with local population. There, too, played and tourism plays an important role. However, it seems more likely to see foreigners in the conquerors, and people who harm nature and the island community. To give money, we were good enough, otherwise we were met rather repellent. It took a while for the ice between the owner of our beautiful hostels and we began to melt - then we had some nice conversations and we felt very comfortable with the señora . When we took a hike to the northern half of the island, we found on a beach in masses of tourists who camped on the beach, grilled, drank, and probably also occasionally consumed various drugs. I assume that the bad image that people have of the stranger, is characterized first and foremost of these visitors.

In La Paz we arrived in a rather dubious hostel at: Every evening there from the hostel organized parties, in whose center is definitely the alcohol was. However, no one was allowed to consume their own drinks to diminish rather than the profit. But why should this kind stores where it only "fun" is given, not even in South America? I had something prejudiced, as I'm that, more in Amsterdam - but it seems also to give tourists do not only the typical backpacker program. Apart from the hostel was, where during the two nights we spent there, demolished the Bathroom and liquor consumed in vast quantities and at enormous volume, we were really only tourisitische corners of the city to see.

In Uyuni we are also accustomed to tourists throughout the year back to leave and, on the way to the tour to the Salar de Uyuni, or. We talked with the nice lady, whose tour company drove us to the Salar, or we came up with unfriendly shopkeepers and waiters in touch slow. And how can it be that there was pizza place not too late, only in very few of the many pizzerias, I can still not explain: if it really is true that the influx of tourists throughout the year remains the same over, should you are in the restaurants actually set out ...

The Salar were almost only foreigners on the road, apart from the drivers and the staff was at every rest stop, and before each toilet to collect around. It has apparently noticed in Bolivia that can earn good money with tourism. As in many places not yet arrived seems to be: The fact that tourists feel more comfortable when they are kindly treated and at least pretend that it was not just about money. And that tourists tend to return to places where they felt treated well - or at least recommend this place.

In Potosí was the most interesting encounter with the old two women dressed in traditional costumes who asked us for cigarettes. Why, that I was clear only later: It is anything but common for women to smoke in public, and even more unusual seemed to me the elderly in the two ladies who were sitting at the plaza principal on the sidewalk and talking. The situation was quite strange, as the women we asked them to make the cigarettes too, because they did not seem like it worked. As part of the tour of the mines of Potosi, we then learn that when you Kokakauen often smokes, the smoke but not inhale, but with it a sense the soaked sheets "washed" to give the juice a different flavor. I suspect that this was the reason why the two ladies wanted to smoke. In Potosí, we also got to know a nice woman who sold us the tour of the mines, and came into the conversation with some gentlemen, some of which are already retired (ex-miners), some still working: One of them has been very confident, Evo Morales plunge this year and to get his party to power.

Evo Morales is the first indigenous president of the country (and continent) and raised high hopes in the numerically much superior low proportion of the population: it would be the indigenous population a voice, to her more influence and thus help to increase their prosperity. Since the constitutional amendment that Bolivia has officially plurinacional to a " em done" state, but seems not much happened to be, and at least since the end of the last gasolinazo Year, which led to fuel and gas prices have almost doubled, and thus all the goods had to be more expensive, the anger on the president great. This latter had indeed simply trying to occur through the elimination of subsidies for fuel and gas to the smuggling of goods to neighboring countries.

went to Potosi to Sucre, where we were staying only briefly. Remarkably, the different chocolate shops where really delicious chocolates were sold, which should not hide on the German market.

In Cochabamba, we had more time. I had the impression that there was to see there not so many costumes that indigenous Culture that is not quite so present was. (Henry will correct me if wrong, I hereby lay ...) The Cochabambinos made an overall relaxed and friendly impression. Some asked us on the street where we were then, and talked to us, other residents of "the German Wlethauptstadt volunteers" could be one of us no longer continue to impress.

Bolivia I was very well liked: Although I am always on the harshness and ignorance (as if all whites were rich and came from the United States ...) annoyed predominated, but the positive impressions, the colors, the costumes , spectacular Landscapes, good food. And again I had to ask myself: How would we be Germans, if our government financially in the end, all the corrupt authorities and the promises of the politicians were all lies? How would we tick if we can not trust a [political] system, education would be a rare commodity and very few of us would have a secure future? How would we respond to all the foreign visitors who visit Germany and would zurückflögen then return to their more affluent countries? I do not know ...

I am well aware of what I would do if my e

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I would type in to stop d
. (Actually, the whole text was so

i c h
him have the Lesbark
t half but reacts
Kei ne
idea what is here
r going on ...)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wifi Blocking Material

Back and

BACK IN Pucara! It rains continue and is foggy, and I think the mti Peter is no longer running. But so be it: I'm kinda glad to be back! Nice to be able to chat with old friends! The family had changed, which was a little sad because I have the old family but very close to the heart. But are the rules of the game ...

I have a whole series of pictures uploaded follow longer. Even a text about the people I've met on the trip or observed, will follow shortly. Enjoy the photos - for my friend Alex, I've added a few extra shots with people ...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Does A Normal Switch Do

first photos from Puerto Lopez

AFTER SOME TIME do I sign up now again from Ecuador: My flight last week was uneventful, I arrived safely from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz and from there to Panama City and then to Quito.

In Quito Henry picked me up from the airport. It was nice to see him after half a year again and funny to meet him in Quito. We spent a quiet afternoon in the capital, slept in the Mariscal tourist area and drove the next morning to the bus station in the south of Quito Quitumbe - not to have pan de yuca without , cassava eaten.

came from Quitumbe from Henry to the return to Cochabamba, I went to the beach where I wanted to recover from travel fatigue and Polly meet. The trip was a little stressful because I did not know whether and I like should I arrive on the same day. In the end I went to Porto Viejo, from there to Jipijapa and finally had a while to take a taxi because no more buses driving.

Nevertheless, I managed to come Sunday night in Ayampe: Polly is the beginning of January there and I had chosen the spot to take a step back before returning to Pucará something. And the goes well in Ayampe: The place is located between the fishing village of Puerto Lopez and the tourists and party stronghold Montanita, right on the beach has to offer, especially surfing schools, yoga instruction, sea and sun. One can do nothing all day long and burn properly on your mood.

One can but wonder, too. So I'm often employed. Most people who live in Ayampe are not originally from there: Many North Americans have settled there and also a German who runs a café there, had met me. Summer, sun, sunshine - drop life pure! It goes good, feels a bit like a big family and is not worried about anything. Why should they? The world is beautiful!

But a drop of life must also be financed somehow. And so does the morning yoga class ten dollars, the three-hour walk five dollars, and a pizza that is tasty indeed but not really special mention, at best, eight dollars. What you have, have not vierlorts: that sell products over the purchase price in order to make profit, is operating here all the more. I think that's right: As long as tourists are willing to pay those prices, the North American or Central European comparison is not particularly high, will it work. I personally have difficulty with this type, however: If I pay for everything with cash needs, I find it somewhat difficult for me at home and thus correct to feel good ...

Tonight I am going to Quito, tomorrow morning I will arrive in Otavalo. There I am going with Stephanie, my mentor, meet and talk about the intermediate seminar to which I am not published, because I did not get the invitation. After it's back to Pucara, where people also got taught well that they can demand money from foreigners and should: North American influence everywhere. Let's see the last months!

The cafe, the Lea from Germany in Ayampe runs, by the way different: For delicious food and teas, there is no fixed price, the store keeps afloat with donations so that the angry mood of the dollar not dirty. It works!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Letter Of Appeal Admission To Doctoral Programs

The basic provision of household goods is secured by the area of the ubiquitous "sari-sari stores. The sari-sari usually offers primarily non-perishable finished goods in Individual portions, canned sardines, shampoo, detergent, soap, and any variation of instant coffee. For this often a cup of hot water to get. Another component of the offer is a wide selection of snacks (bread - or to include sweet rolls), sweets, Zigeretten and rum, sometimes cold drinks. If the operator exactly a surplus of bananas, eggs, or the like, there is also this available. One looks in vain for newspapers, chocolate bars and sausage. ;-)

The sari-sari also form the basis of marketing of the three major mobile network operators, since you are purchasing and prepaid credit for his mobile phone can. For this purpose, you have to type in his number in the mobile phone of the seller and then get the amount you would pay for one credit.

course, the owner of such a shop in a supermarket to regularly replenish their inventory. For the other customers there, it means merely to guard, not the cash to to fall behind such a small business and then have to watch it, recounts how the lady at the cash register hundreds of coffee and peanut packs. However, any person who wants to live here happily, the virtue of patience have internalized otherwise ...

The nearest sari-sari is never far in the Philippines. Even in the most remote mountain areas, it is probably only a walk away, which may be due to (felt) that business operates every other family, usually with very little turnover, but also with little effort. One side of the house is equipped with a large, barred window with a small hatch, with a bit of seed capital, the first product purchased and as soon as a "Aaayoo" sounds, it's time to use his first customers ...

Gloss also reflects the globalization back in the plastic packaging of the Sari-Sari products. There are, no matter how far away from the nearest paved road, read the company names of many global players. So you will
find themselves in a negligent Sari-Sari always at least three different Nestlé products and on the placards on the front facade usually at least once to read the coca cola logo.
As for the poster advertising coca cola is only beaten by the dominant brand of rum "Tanduay" and the mobile phone companies.
It again follows a small selection of images that illustrate the written to ... look!

The nearest sari-sari from my home in the mountains, including
drink sitting area with coffee
On Highway the mountains, you can get here to buy often bananas:)
A city Sari-Sari with attached Eatery in Cebu City
. not to destroy
impressions on a very well-equipped Sari-Sari
on the west coast of Negros

* To facilitate reading of the text, I have refrained Betreiber_in , Verkäufer_in to gendering Besitzer_in, Kunde_in and Kleinstunternehmer_in. The "lady at the cash register" is based on the lack of knowledge of male cashiers in supermarkets, I have visited so far. But the Packers (American relic) have been exclusively male ...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ghagra For Reception India

from Cochabamba

another day I, then end of my trip: Tomorrow evening I will board a plane of the Bolivian Aerosur to fly to Santa Cruz and from there with Copa Airlines of Panama City to Quito. The connection is pretty miserable and, as is customary in Latin America, fairly expensive - but the bus I was about eighty hours on the way and would certainly not a very pleasant trip. So, airplane!

Annika will depart today evening: Take the bus to La Paz and from there tomorrow at noon on a flight to Iquique in northern Chile. Four weeks have now, we traveled together, after we had decided in the summer during a short phone call to take advantage of that we are now both in South America: Many planned we do not, but the deal that we made in the summer, have met and we have seen so few of the highlights of Latin America ...

I have always thought, as it would for go on after the trip: Both Machu Picchu and the Salar de Uyuni stood for years on my travel wish list - and both places I have now traveled, and what remains now, the places I want to yet to discover for me? I do not know yet. Right now I'm pretty saturated in terms of travel experiences. Being away makes you tired and strained from time to time at the sole reason, because you have no home, no retreat. There are also uncertainties regarding planning and plan changes, health problems and financial difficulties, thousands of tips and warnings, as well as numerous volatile and a pair of connecting friends.

The last few days in Cochabamba I truly enjoyed, we were allowed to live in the apartment of my friend Henry , said Henry was not there / is. While I was coming from Ecuador, while in Bolivia, visited the Henry yap intermediate seminar in Ecuador. Also, I should be at this seminar, alone: the invitation has not reached me, so I of the seminar, by chance, already learned in Bolivia and in possession of my air tickets ...

From the beautiful house with even more beautiful roof terrace, we started a day to hike Cochabamba, learn and experience. We got to know German and Argentinian street artist volunteers saw once more traditional robes and technically demanding graffiti, visited the cancha , Cochabamba's enormous market, ate delicious ravioli, the famous salteñas acceptable Bolivian and drank wine.

course, we also visited the Cristo , the Christ statue that towers over the city: it overlooks the famous Christ to some of Rio de Janeiro and is the largest walk-Christ statue in the world! The view from the many small openings in the concrete sculpture is not bad, because of the pungent odor of urine in the statue but not long endure. Beautiful is the view of the city from the forecourt of the figure.

to Cristo drove Annie and I'm not being two had in the meantime also found a friend from NicaNetz , Sebastian Erb the way to Cochabamba, which led us to a small meeting, during which we decided all together to go to Cochabamba landmark. Sebastian has done this in the evening on the way to La Paz and is touring Latin America in search of exciting, (be) worth writing stories for a few months. Suerte!

I will walk again afterwards in Henry's apartment, my latest custom Hose testing and initiate with Annika on a successful journey. Morning, to the great packing and a final highlight, by the reports on Saturday in the sports section is. On Saturday I will meet Henry in Quito on Sunday and take the way back to Pucará, with a detour to the Pacific coast.

I will report back in time - until then, Be well!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Smart Nimh Charger Schematics

For Henry

since yesterday morning Annika and I are in Cochabamba, my last stop before returning to Ecuador. We had Potosí leave on Friday afternoon, the constitutional capital of the country, Sucre, reached on Friday evening and there twenty-four hours later the way to Cochabamba begun.

was in Potosí a visit to the infamous mines on the program. The Cerro Rico who sits on the highest city in the world, procured the city once world-famous: The silver deposits that it housed, were unique in the world and made sure that Potosí in the sixteenth and seventeenth century one of the most important and largest cities the world was. Immeasurable amounts of silver were shipped to the old world, and lost countless people through the inhumane working in the mines their life; estimates range 2:00 to 8:00 million victims.

And today still offers the Cerro Rico (Rich Mountain), not only the only significant source of income Potosi, but hides still life risks: In the past week, again, two workers were killed, apart from those who, after decades of Shuf Tens between the fortieth and find fiftieth year of death, because their lungs are destroyed because of the harmful dust.

Even before the tour to the mines I had a strange feeling in the stomach: We would consider the location and cause of death of millions of exploited people, and we would walk past with our guide to hard-working men and boys, without help to. And indeed, the whole experience was the sight of the mines and working very disturbing.

was first tell us something about dynamite, alcohol and coca and told, three elements that make up everyday life in the mines: The dynamite to work, work is progressing in the rock in search of the riches. The alcohol is part of the tío , the uncle who is a sort of patron saint of workers donated, or Pachamama, Mother Earth. Or he is drunk. The fact that the alcohol not beer or wine, but brandy sechsundneunzigprozentigen, I must mention no extra maybe. Coca is also an indispensable part of the work in the mines: Chewing on coca leaves can be hunger, thirst and fatigue forget things for which the mine is in no time. All mineros is to see their Coca Consumption evident in the often admirable big cheek, in which they take the coca leaves.

(Coca is no drug! The paper not intoxicated and does not make dependent. The cultivation of coca is legal in Bolivia and Peru, is part of the culture of the highland population. The elaborate processing of the sheet allows the production of cocaine, its effect, however, nothing to do with the coca leaf has the simple ...)

In the mine, we initially followed the tracks of the Loren: Boys at the age of thirteen, fourteen, loaded with stones, by using their car slid all the energy through the tunnel, a beam of Coca inflated beyond its limit, drawn entirely from work. Hardly any of them could bring a greeting on his lips, so they were tortured by the work. We turned at some point on this main road, crawled a few feet in depth and had to much with the heat, the acrid smell of urine, explosives and dust and tight fight: to work here? Impossible!

As we left the mine, made some buddies for lunch. There was nothing to eat, instead they pushed their implied a coca leaf at a time between Cheek and back teeth. It was frustrating and frightening, as is sometimes anschwiegen fathers and sons, done from work. Many of the works are actually no older than fifteen years - and their job is a gamble: Who finds a vein of silver is the winner. Others work more than eight hours a day and find nothing Profitable! There are no fixed wages are not in Potosí, each buddy is one of a group of miners and the license may be looking at this Union a place to work. Sponsored minerals and silver sold every mountain man himself: Part of the profits he pays into the pension fund, a portion of the insurance. Who does not find anything is simply empty.

sorry for the gloomy atmosphere through the mine we left Potosí, whose future looks bleak: It is estimated that the industry must be set there in fünz to ten years. On the one hand, because the exhausted natural resources, partly because of the Cerro Rico riddled as it is will collapse. Potosi could be a ghost town: work one finds little outside of the mines ... With the end of mining in Potosí then an investment of the German government is no longer necessary: After the chemicals needed for the separation of silver from the rock, five hundred tilted years in the rivers, had financed the Federal Republic of Germany, the construction of adequate sewage treatment and disposal systems. Whether and how development cooperation with Spain in the region Potosí operates, I do not know ...

made in Sucre Annika and I do not much, apart from the chocolate purchase, there really is worthwhile, since there seems to be some chocolate in Sucre, and the visit of a barber who was with me urgently necessary.

In Cochabamba, we now have a few days. I will collect as many impressions before I leave on Friday to Ecuador! I sincerely apologize and thank you here at Henry, who is currently in Ecuador and in whose room I had during the may live days in Cochabamba! Muchas gracias, Enrique!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Rent Skis In Aspen

From Potosí

SINCE MRS ROMMEL , my English teacher in the tenth grade, has been shown in class pictures of their journey to and through South America, has to do with the idea of a similar journey, set in my head: The photos I was so enthusiastic that no way could it pass by, travel to these places yourself and see with my own eyes!

We drove from La Paz to Uyuni. The trip should start at seven clock in the evening and end after about twelve hours. We would therefore be able to find the rest of our agency office to the tour to the Salar de Uyuni clock can start at ten in the morning. But once again, the plans should prove to be a nice wishful thinking: Just outside Oruro our bus stopped in the desert. From the previously announced half an hour, which would it take to go up, it could have been five hours and arrived in Uyuni, our jeep had already left.

The next day we were able to take another trip without having to pay extra for it (apart from the hotel and dinner). After all, we had had up to that time to walk a little through Uyuni: The town lives mainly from tourism, which is difficult to see from the numerous tour companies and pizzerias can recognize. Away from the high street, the picture of the place changes very rapidly. Mud huts line the dusty roads, desert and mountains in the background are seen, everything somehow reminds me of western movies.

Now for the tour: We went with Chacha and Ki, a South Korean couple, Miguel Ángel from Colombia, Chile and Caro from our driver, Alejandro, for the first cementerio de trenes , the train cemetery: Here are some steam engines and cars rust in the desert before him. Then we went to Colchani on the banks of the largest salt lake in the world: There was ostensibly cheap souvenirs. Behind one of the wooden doors grabbed a woman salt in plastic bags from what I discovered, however, rather accidental. The lady sitting eight hours a day in front of a pile of salt and pound plastic bags filled way with the white goods. For a thousand bags she gets eight p.m. Bolivianos - these are little more than two euros. Per day, it creates claims to about six hundred bags and therefore deserves about a € sixty, or two dollars. The fact that they live with it above the official poverty line is just cynical.

Colchani, we drove by again salt. The ground was white as far as the eye could see and they lost legliche orientation and the ability to judge distances. It was an incredible feeling to drive through the desert of salt! And it ought to be better situated in the middle of the salar the Isla del Pescado , fish island. There, giant cacti grow between which you could always catch spectacular views of the salt lake, with snow-capped mountains in the background and the blue sky. In the evening we reached

the southern bank of the Salt Lake and stayed at a hotel, which consists largely of salt: floor, walls and even furniture, so to speak were cut from the lake.

The next morning we started south. We moved increasingly to a height of slightly more than four thousand meters above sea level, so that almost all the mountains that we passed were covered with snow. And again, nature was simply stunning: the snow-covered peaks and eternal ranges, deserts, rock formations ... At the same time I had to think that with this environment, this rugged climate no wonder that Bolivia is the poorest country in South America: It can be grown nothing, and richer than other South American countries, Bolivia is in natural resources not: Salt is not worth anything and compared to Venezuela, Ecuador and other nations, Bolivia has no oil ...

passed on this second day we find some five thousand and a few lagoons where flamingos and numerous cavorting on which llamas and vicuña pushed to their Thirst. At the end of the day we still pass the árbol de piedra , the tree of stone, a bizarre rock in the middle of the desert, southern Bolivia, before the colored lagoon, the Laguna Colorada , arrived where we had our camp.

From there we broke on the third and final day of our tour to see geysers at dawn to bathe in hot springs and set down the two Koreans at the border with Chile. And then it was eight hours north through the desert. I could not see enough of the desert and the mountains, was nevertheless relieved when we arrived in Uyuni. From there he went to Potosí.

Today we have time, the city to explore a little, and tomorrow we will have a tour venture into the mines. I will report on this occasion. From Sucre, perhaps, where we go tomorrow, or Cochabambam where we will arrive at the latest on Monday, to end our journey in peace. Until then!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Do I Reset Number Lock

suckling pig - Lechon

The suckling pig is here schlechhin the banquet. If there is to celebrate with it what then should the "Lechon" not missing! There'll be filled in the area with a large bundle of lemon grass and some spices to the whole aroma. There was some birthday celebrations of volunteers already a Lechon but also at Christmas and inauguration ceremony in my Foundation, I was allowed to come already in this pleasure. In larger cities you're gonna get it in portions and at street stalls where the pig is presented in a glass box. Before Christmas, can I have some nice photos in a Lechon-Braterei allowed. But I also collected images which are intended to describe the possible path of a lechon before death. From now on I will talk pictures ... look!

The classic pig in the bamboo hut with me in the mountains.

battle ice in the Tricycle

pigs for Cebu!

bustle before Christmas ... the Lechon-Braterei

exploited ... and the rest is for the ... ?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Swallows Mature Girdle

from La Paz from Copacabana

OF COPACABANA IN broke Annika and I together with Francisco and Julian from Argentina to the sun island. We had plenty stocked up with food to cook in these evenings can be: there is neither in Copacabana still on the island an ATM, so we had to rely on a small saving program!

Fortunately, we have therefore not give up the best sites on the island: Our hostel was situated on a ridge, which runs from the south to the north of the island and from which we could see the lake on both sides of the island sun. And the views were spectacular: In the east we could see in the distance the snow-capped peaks of the Bolivian Andes, over which the morning sun and the moon was rising in the evening. In the west, the scenery was less spectacular, but offered to us, at least on the first of the two evenings that we spent on the island, a great sunset. Women in traditional clothing as well as llamas and donkeys completed the picture.

But all was not affected by Western influences and dubious developments show not the Isla del Sol : Tourism is booming, and leaves its mark: It seems that most of the container on the island building as a hotel or hostel was being used, Internet cafes and small stands with woolen goods are easy to find, and for each and every one propina is required, a tip: For photos (including sheep and llamas), for information, for the passing of a way ...

Our walk from our hostel in the south of the island to the north of the island and back takes us to the ruins, which are located almost on the northern most tip of the island. They were, especially after Machu Picchu, not particularly impressive. In contrast to the beach in the northeast of the island, we passed a little later: here countless tents lined up together, grills the lake shrouded in smoke and guitar players and jugglers entertained the audience. How happy I was to have come across in the south of the island, had lost his way while (perhaps due to the steep rise?) Only a few tourists!

The day after our island tour we headed back to Copacabana. The half hour flew by in the boat, and so did Annie and I are soon confronted with a small but predictable problem: We had our bus ride to La Paz now, but had no more money! Without a credit card could I stand out in Copacabana, where there are no ATMs, no money, and for some reason was Annika's credit card is not accepted. All attempts to negotiate with the bus companies have failed, all bids were turned down on our part. What now? What's Next? Julián Francisco and on the go back to Peru on loan to us at the last second the necessary ten dollars and allowed itself to be the transit and thus a life outside of Copacabana.

The bus ride to La Paz took about three hours, of which two hours in chill storage in El Alto, a city that has grown together with La Paz, have been placed. Apart from the authoritative cloud formations and the snowy peaks of the six views from the bus window was rather bleak: It was clearly visible that in Bolivia there are other, less financial means than in Peru or Ecuador. Half-finished mud and brick houses everywhere and poor (but traditional) dressed people on both sides of the road.

La Paz scared me at first: The first look at the Bolivian city I could from the edge of the valley where the town is situated catch. Bare brick houses huddled between the slopes and cars and Schmitz shaped the image of the streets. Also was / is the hostel, in the staggered it Annie, me and Dani, a backpacker from Barcelona, anything but recommended: Because there were, however, was already dark and we are not particularly eager to take all our luggage with a night walk through La Paz, we followed Dani's recommendation.

The Point is considered the so-called witches' market, the tourist shopping district of, beyond the main thoroughfare of La Paz where there are backpackers from all over the world - and form a strange conglomeration of Alcohol, excess, noise, insipid music and interesting manners . Had the three of us guessed at in advance what would come to us, we would have certainly wanted another place to stay! When I come to La Paz, I do not feel me from the city To encapsulate to decline into my rather Western Party cage ... But, at check-in we gave up our clothes to wash, what a tape change after the first night was absolutely impossible!

But no one is forced to spend the whole day in the hostel. A stroll through the streets of the old town, numerous small stalls over, to the black market, whose name she will not reveal to me through the flooded streets of tourists and a few Cuadras south I did not take me. For the third was in part a demanding task, which consisted mainly of waiting. Therefore, I will take again the same time, to own and to wander aimlessly through La Paz!

Later Annika and I will separate us from Dani and make its way to the south, where we will make tomorrow a three-day tour to the Salar de Uyuni before it goes back to the north, to Potosí, Sucre and Cochabamba.

Monday, January 17, 2011

What Type Of Hair Weave Does Lauren London Wear

TO MACHU PICCHU had the air may be out: We are within a few days, certainly more than fifty kilometers traveled and have one of, if not the experiences highlight of our trip already - the legendary Inca ruins at Cusco.

But it goes further - and boredom does not wide! On
Saturday evening we reached Cusco again, after a very comfortable compared to the one way back from Santa Teresa. Sunday we planned to spend on the bus to Copacabana, but this was impossible because of the departure times of buses to Bolivia, we should have all day to wait! In the long walks we had no real wish and spent the day primarily on the Plaza de Armas Cusco, watching tourists and locals as you stroll, discuss, photography, relax.

went the evening to drive away with the onward journey. First, we almost missed the bus, which we had been waiting more than two hours: we had not realized that one for the departure had to buy an extra ticket for use of the bus station. The snake, in which we had to classify unexpectedly, was so long that we almost managed not to the bus. Finally, we could still take our seats, and began an unpleasant ride again: Over bad roads, through deep potholes and often a little too fast. In the morning we arrived in Puno, located on the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca. From there we drove in a replacement bus to the Bolivian border - we had some passengers, including us, informed that the paid ticket must be exchanged in Puno was then but so gracious to us ignorant one provide another bus at no additional cost. And lo and behold: it was completely full! One could even think about improved information on ...

At the border we were up again, drove along the lake a few kilometers to Copacabana. Here we sought, together with two Argentinian backpackers, a cheap hostel, ate delicious and very cheap trout on the banks of the highest navigable body of water this size and some strolling through the crowded town of tourists. Then we went to the calvario a hill next to the place from which one has a great view of Copacabana and the lake.

Tomorrow we will go to the Isla del Sol and there a little relaxation from the stresses of the last days. Then we will travel to La Paz and from there to Uyuni, among other things (for salar), Potosí and Cochabamba. I will report more details here. And once I have the time, so probably after the trip, I'll write something about my impressions of the people and cultures: This is far too short, I think ...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sore Throat Tired Red Spots On Tongue

from Aguas Calientes from Cusco

THE TRAVELLERS CURRENT , the Urubamba River, which has to Aguas Calientes, below Machu Picchu, eats through the valley, accompanied us all the time. But until we came to the dirt road the times on this side, now lies across the river, we had to cover an adventurous route.

Annika and I left Cusco on Wednesday night with one of the buses to Quillabamba. After far too many too quickly run over sleepers that will actually serve to exhort bus, truck and car drivers at moderate speeds, we reached first Urubamba. There, the bus was filled, so we were surrounded by people who spoke Quechua, and above all so incomprehensible for me were. Exhausting the trip was not only because of the inappropriate high speed and the damaged road, but also because of the music.

In Ecuador the music on the bus given by the driver. That was in the bus from Cusco is not the case, but instead brought the passengers with their own radios. The Quechua lady by my side came with their camera not quite cope and allowed himself and us and all the loud noise from their radio. Thank you for this!

one point I was still sleeping, from which I was, however rudely, as all the passengers cried out loud (!): The bus had suddenly become alarmingly quickly. The driver should be a rest or replaced, it said. My confidence in our driver was gone. Shortly after we arrived, however, Santa Maria, and we could get.

to Santa Teresa, it was in a van, the ride was short and painless. Once there, we put ourselves under the eaves of an apparently empty building to the three hours until dawn as thoroughly as possible to rest: We had a long way to go!

In rainy dawn and with the hope for better weather so we went on the road, all taxis and buses negative. On the banks of the Urubamba along upstream towards Aguas Calientes, which sits at the foot of the tourist attraction in South America. The road was longer and longer, not the less rain and the backpacks any easier. Nevertheless, the surroundings seemed surreal, powerful stream of brown, bizarrely, the mountains, the clouds mystical.

After the first three hours we reached the end of the road and began to follow the tracks to Aguas Calientes. We were met by many Latin American tourists who had their personal adventures in Machu Picchu already behind. Currently, no Europeans and North Americans are here, instead, many Argentines (four to one!), Brazilians and Chileans. Mostly students from the economically strong nations of the continent.

felt by hundreds of kilometers we reached Aguas Calientes. The village is situated on the brown and right now pretty dangerous looking Urubamba River and consists mainly of hotels, restaurants (pizza everywhere) and Laundry. I do not know that there are between the incredibly steep rock walls and no other villages that you can rely exclusively on the Aguas Calientes train or on foot rather expensive, I would assume that no Peruvian Peruvians living at night and not here ...

After we rested on our march to Aguas Calientes far as possible, we stood at four clock in the morning the following day, to begin the hike to Machu Picchu: The ruins are located about four miles and four hundred meters from the village, and who is one of the would receive only four hundred stamps per day for the mountain Huayna Picchu, must soon be on the mat!

The road to Machu Picchu was not easily led to countless steps uphill. The many weakened and partially transferring victims of the race along the way were still incomprehensible to me. Also the fact that almost nobody had a flashlight it! I hurried up the hill but undeterred and finally reached the finish unscathed and the dawn of morning. The entrance was empty and I was lost to me: Was I right! I was right! Together with a corpulent Brazilian I was the first visitor of the day, but had to wait half an hour until the opening of ticket sales and Annika could reserve a good seat.

Machu Picchu in the mist hung low, as we finally allowed to enter. After all, the rain had stopped! We wandered through the old walls for a while before we started the climb to the other two hundred meters higher Huayna Picchu. Let's see some high steps were overcome, and sometimes I felt on the edge of the deepest abyss a bit uncomfortable. It was no use: I had on this rock, which is used to the typical images of Machu Picchu as a background!

On top of this adventurous plant Annika and I waited about an hour until the fog suddenly tore open and offered such a great view of Machu Picchu! It was indescribable: the strange steep rock walls in the area provided an incredible Background for the view of the impressive ruins. Everything seemed like a different world. Last mist still clinging to the individual slopes as the sun burned down on us ...

After the descent from Huayna Picchu and another walk through the ruins, we decided against a guide and for the descent, and our legs and feet became visible. In Aguas Calientes, there was a well-earned at the end of strengthening and more good news from the Bundesliga.

What a day! And tomorrow it goes: Back to Santa Teresa, and from there to Cusco, this time during the day. And then the most direct way to Bolivia. Copacabana is beautiful, and from there we start our Tout on Lake Titicaca! Further from there!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Example Of Congrtulatory Speech

WITH GREAT SECURITY Cusco will take a place in my memories to the front ranks of my favorite cities: the former stronghold of the Incas, located about three thousand four hundred meters above sea level, enchanted me! The outer parts of the city but rather unsightly, especially since kept in all possible shades of brown and rather dirty, because it is low. But in the city center are the impressive colonial buildings and ruins of the fabled Inca masonry art - the stone with no fewer than twelve corners are a highlight! - Beautiful streets and roads, great views of the surrounding mountains, beautiful shops with fantastic wool goods and pleasant cafes and restaurants.

By the time Annie and I yesterday made a delicious wine in a beautiful wine bar, I've lost my heart to Cusco. The patio of an old colonial house, relatively unadorned and simply divine, offered the best scenery in the candlelight, to finish the day after all the most beautiful impressions! Trozt the Touristemassen who flock daily also and especially because of its proximity to Machu Picchu through the city you will find here peace and quiet, space for shows and a breather and enjoy. And the Andean, indigenous, Latin American Culture seems to be able to continue to exist side by western influences. The city offers both worlds, and thus the possibility to combine the best of these cultures and to live ...

We just stayed in the municipal market, where simple household items and food in addition to woven goods are offered for sale to tourists. Again, the parallelism! In addition to a nice sweater we could buy the food for the next adventure: Tonight we start our Machu Picchu trip. We give generously to the train to Aguas Calientes, so to speak, the base camp for visitors to the world famous Inca ruins: The drive should be the most expensive Verbindng the world, is also only used by tourists. Instead, we go to a public bus to Santa Maria, where we arrive sometime between midnight and dawn. From there it goes into a vehicle to Santa Teresa, and moved from there. We will be traveling for several hours, but the road is to be mad. And then you've got a night in Aguas Calientes before we set off before dawn on Friday to the ruins. I am excited and full of anticipation! On the way, and the goal!

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Make Rc Car Headlights

from Lima Piura

THE MOST EXPENSIVE DRINK my life, probably the most expensive Pisco Sour in the world, I drank yesterday. It was an event that is me all my life to be remembered! Hopefully: Otherwise, the fun would not have paid! But I better start again. On my drive from Piura in the Peruvian capital.

My bus left Piura - somehow seems to be the worm in it! - With about an hour late. Before me lay a roughly five ten-hour bus ride. I continued to pursue ambitious the goal, my travel expenses from Quito to Lima to be kept as low as possible: a direct connection from capital to capital, would have cost between sixty and eighty dollars, with a journey time of more than thirty hours. That's a lot of money considering the fact that you can usually expect a good dollar an hour ride. Until I had spent Piura twenty-five U.S. dollars, and I reached for another twenty Lima: Financially and also because of the impressions I had received in Cuenca and Piura, the somewhat lengthy and inconvenient trip has definitely paid off!

increased in Lima I pretty rerädert off the bus: Comfortable is different. Soon I got into a taxi to make me go into the financial and tourism center of the city, Miraflores. Modern bank skyscrapers rushed past me, as my taxi driver chauffeured about the inner-city motorway. Miraflores had quite sterile, modern, boring. So I decided to go to the neighboring district of Barranco, strolled to the first promenade in by green and rather noble residences the cliffs and ran out the sunshine and enjoying the view south to the Pacific. The road seemed longer and longer, the backpack to get heavier and heavier, but finally I arrived in Barranco. The district has a high number of colonial buildings and more quiet and angenhem, yet very lively and interesting. As a drunken Mr approached me and show me a hostel, but would not let me go on alone, my situation was a bit uncomfortable - and very surprisingly, we were suddenly faced with the likely best hostel in town. I went in, leaving my unwanted accompaniment behind me and made a place to stay for the next Night clear. After I walked

through the neighborhood, admiring the large amounts of tourists and by the Tourism certain restaurants and bars and soon moved on into the historic center of Lima, taxi. Back on the highway, past the glass buildings on either side of the autopista .

little aimless, and accordingly left open and I walk through the city. Past the parks and churches. Along colonial facades and busy streets. Through small alleys and pigeon flocks. I ate delicious sopa seca (dry soup) for little money and came after a conversation with a drunken musician. Was rather a conversation drawn. When I had just torn to continue my walk, was the (alleged) student of the guitar maestros and advised me from the planned route of me: it was too dangerous. So I decided a change of direction and was accompanied by the young, also drunken man, Abraham.

am I generally always grateful for discussions with locals and enjoy it to chat while traveling not only with other back packers and backpackers. But there are more pleasant than dubious and drunken Latinos! Abraham, however, was not of the worst sort, and I listened to his stories - a choice I had not before: I came not to Word!

the end we ended up a coffee shop near the Presidential Palace. There were not only the best Pisco Sour in Peru (and therefore the world), one can find there now and also the President of the cokes. The latter did not interest me - the Pisco Sour appealed to me more, however. Abraham if I could spend a drink? If I could, after all his efforts, which had probably been aimed at nothing else! The clock in sight - I had before, Annika from the airport to pick up and therefore not much time - I was somewhat surprised angry when our Pisco Sours not as small cocktails, but as a tankard of one liter capacity, with an additional glass of pure Pisco turned out! I would like to drink so much in so little time? Not at all - an impossibility!

Pisco was delicious, the situation quite funny. Meanwhile, a friend of Abraham had joined us. Also pretty drunk. Was already almost four clock in the afternoon! I hurried up to half of my drink, left the rest to fill in a plastic bottle and drink the pure spirits of Abraham's friend and asked for the bill. And then the mess that was just too incredible to ever be forgotten. I was out 10:00 to 20:00 Soles per drink until I saw the scale of our Pisco. Me that no one wanted to reveal the price, made me subcontent suspicious. But that the cost of two Pisco Sours, two Pisco and servicio in this dubious (but interesting and beautiful!) Bar, the betrunkeneren of a few and all the more (or so) figures had visited a total of one hundred and seventy Soles, so approximately sixty (!) dollars, amounted surprised and shocked me then that!

It was therefore critical. I plug one hundred soles. Also, I was fortunately thirty-five U.S. dollars with me. I was conscious that I wanted to negotiate nor have the opportunity in this environment would be to withdraw money: The card was safely in the hostel. What to do? I would still have to go to flight hemp! My Soles and thirty dollars I had in the bar, then another five dollar had in the bag. At least (!) Fifteen soles (just over five dollars) for the taxi I was short on cash. I hurried out of the coffee shop, stopped taxis and asked for their prices. Thirty Soles. Twenty-five soles. I was nervous. Then, finally: Fifteen, but not in the airport, I would be sold out on the street. For five dollars, and the two soles, the Abramahm me in his goodness.

At the airport I had it for a while to relax: Annika's flight was slightly delayed. And I was worried: What if it again for some reason was unable to travel? I had no money with me was so reliant on Annika would pay our taxi ...

These thoughts were in vain: Annika had had money at it and were happy we're both very excited about the reunion! In the evening there was still delicious cooking in the Hostalküche, good conversation with other travelers and Lindt chocolate from Germany, as a belated birthday and Christmas present!

are equal, we still turn a tour of Lima and then buy our bus tickets to Cusco. At five in the clock in the afternoon we start today, tomorrow afternoon we arrive. And: It is pure luxury! Asientos camas , bed-seats, flight attendants, all inclusive. For expensive hundred and twenty Soles. But what would it cost me a twenty-hour train ride in first class by train?

morning also: Cusco, and soon: Machu Picchu!
I continue to write, and enjoy the journey!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fredericton Glory Whole


in the midday heat I needed a little shade: Time for another short entry in the diary! The bus Pullman Sucre went yesterday evening in a rather direct route to the Pacific coast and put all the passengers in Huaquillas from the Peruvian border. There was initially announced waiting, because the border authorities to work out my reasons unknown never between one and three clock at night - so whenever the bus drives up. After we got the exit stamp from Ecuador, we went on board a bus of the CIFA still got the Einrestempel for Peru, and took up momentum.

When I woke up in the morning rather crumpled and was able to catch a glimpse outside, before I fell asleep again, the landscape had changed completely. Instead of the lush Andean valleys, which I admired in the south of Ecuador, were now sand dunes along the road to see. Desert, as far as the eye could see! A few hours later, the next awakening, were the dunes and a wide given way to flat landscape, steppe on all sides. Here and there were small huts to see that looked pitiful poor. What do the people here, in the midst of dust and parched bushes that bloom probably immediately fall when a few rain drops? It seemed logical that many seemed to leave the house.

Finally we reached Piura. The city, with around half a million inhabitants is one of the largest in the country, made a very chaotic at first impression: Tricycle Taxis and buses clogged the main road, all the side streets seemed to be used as a market. I did not irritate me, picked up a few Soles (S /.) now and bought my bus ticket to Lima are equal before me fifteen hours bus ride!

Then I allowed myself a little stroll through the town. Colonial buildings and very modern, high houses alternate, no trace of tourists - I was not infrequently seen, as if I were the first white man in Piura! So I wandered aimlessly through the town, enjoying the heat and the sunshine and landed Last but in a small and cozy cafe, where I was able to enjoy delicious bread and yogurt, and finally was able to continue to read the previous day.

Because I had read that you could eat well in Piura, and especially the ceviches recommended would be, I ventured another lunch at a recommended restaurant. Ceviche I had ever eaten, then in Corinto on Nicaragua's Pacific Coast: This is a kind of cold fish soup with onions. The ingredients are not cooked, but only washed well with onions, lemon juice, salt and ají (Chilli) dressed. This mixture should immediately make an impact: I had my fish octopus crab ceviche Although ordered little ají , but had to insert a break after a few bites: So hot I had eaten before probably never! After all, I am sure that I will not make you sick to eat this food the ají is said to have a cleaning effect ...

will now set myself to the plaza de armas a little browse through my tome and then make my way to the Bus: The next step is calling! Tomorrow morning I will arrive in Lima, a bit of exploring the city and then from the airport to pick up Annie: With you I travel then to the east of Peru and from there to Bolivia! Stay tuned!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Get Well Wishes For Family

from Cuenca

SOMETHING TO LATE am I arrived here in the supposedly most beautiful city in Ecuador: The journey had just taken a while. Two hours from Quito to Cayambe, an hour north of the city the same in the south and then proud ten hours from the bus station Quitumbe to Cuenca, the removal is likely estimate, amount to little more than four hundred kilometers.

took the journey from Quito I exciting, I had traveled in the south of Ecuador but never before. From Riobamba, located squarely in the center of the country we drove through lush green valleys, past abandoned (?) Railway tracks and pastures where cattle and sheep grazing in particular. Later, at dusk, it was very foggy and I could not more of the landscape, which flew in front of the fogged windows to see.

Cuenca reached the bus with about two Hours late (unusual for buses!) At night around eleven clock. And soon I had a fear, perhaps to have difficulties in finding a free easy to bed in a hostel: The streets were full of people dressed up and it seemed that many tourists were on their way! On the sixth of January, the día de los santos inocentes , parades are held in Cuenca, which should resemble the carnival parades in Germany. But mitzubekommen to the spectacle, I was too late. Fortunately, should prove to the search for a place to stay for the night as a very simple, and so I ended up at the hostel, which I have to go before my arrival eye had taken.

The next day I had time, a little walk through Cuenca. The banks of the beautiful views offered Tomebamba green spaces, and on any villas and the old town made a very beautiful, very European feel. English and later French Jesuits have create a beautiful town! Impressively, the great new cathedral was with her brick masonry and the blue domes - the interior disappointed, however. The central plaza was nice and offered seating and rest, to rest a month. Spectacular: Numerous speakers in the trees was heard elevator music at its finest ... Was it really Ecuador?

After buying my bus tickets to Piura, where I arrive on Friday morning and just eat it fresh seafood, I moved into the Internet cafe where the moment I am sitting still: The finally onset of rain thwarted my bill - I had made a couple of hours relaxing reading among speakers of the plaza ...

now is still outstanding dinner before I'm going to slowly but surely making their way to the bus station! Ten hours on the bus: It sounds exhausting. But I can not say that I have no desire to come to Peru!

Sanyo Xacti Vpc-fh1 Fisheye

Happy New Year

already moved back into the country a few weeks and I have not heard from me since I travel frequently or had no internet on my whereabouts.
had in December I spent a weekend in the nearest big city of Bacolod, where I visited some volunteers who live under entirely different circumstances and work, as I know it by myself and other volunteers. The more I visit wwf, is more clearly how each authority is certain charm, but also brings some problems. But even though I have enjoyed for a few days the novelty and the excitement and consumer spending in the City was seen as a nice break, so I was most happy when I was on the last Monday arrived after eleven days of Christmas vacation on the beautiful beach on the west coast again at almost autumnal weather at my home in the mountains. Probably noticed in a country that usually only knows the seasons "hot & hotter.
Now I had to my warm sweater and a hat against the wind and had to unpack some even have to freeze at night, because the bedding according to the climate here consists only of two thin sheets and of course there are no heaters. The whole, however, I feel very comfortable and it produces almost home feeling to be in strong wind and cool deep breath ...
As a small new feature for the new year I have planned harass world opinion ;-) from the next post so much with my private life and instead prefer thematically some parts of life here with little text and many photographs illuminate and so my readers the Philippines get beyond travel brochure images closer. As we all hope it to my project as much as possible into action ...
Sincerely, Cord

Sunset at Sugar Beach on the west coast of Negros
Crystal clear freshwater lagoon in the hinterland of Sipalay

evening mood in the district Banago in Bacolod City

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Run In Nylon Or Polyester?

Happy New Year!

IT IS BETTER to in Intag not seriously ill: medical care leaves much to be desired, and the many diagnoses that you get heard when you said that you are not feeling well, are on time very exhausting!

A week before Christmas I was sick again, my stomach made me any more (good) sleep, and after some hesitation, I could bring myself to take a lap cover parasite killer. The sweeping blow was so thorough that I am on the following night was really bad, but even on the days that much better.

I had given my family's faith would be my disease to the sun, the wind, rain, erosion (!) or the cold, which for me as a German is not cold, was due. The fact that the food I had gotten in the family, possibly something bad was it? That the water that I drink, but maybe that was not boiled properly? Impossible! All the assumptions that I heard, moreover, not only for my family, are considered by far, very funny. But if you are sick and listen to such speculations must eats as to nerves and patience ...

The parasite killer helped so at first. But in time the night before Christmas Eve, my stomach was back problems. What to do? Nothing I wanted the Christmas do not spend it to take tablets. And actually it was me after a delicious meal of European formula and some wine better, as I wrote in last blog entry!

went after the Christmas holidays I with Polly to Otavalo. And on the morning of December thirtieth began the old grief again. Slowly it was enough, but life is just usually not a request concert! I ignored the uncomfortable feeling, because I still had to do some things before we met with Peter and his group of students of the University of Vermont . All together we went then to Morochos. This is a small village at the foot of Cotacachi, about three thousand meters above Sea level and located more affected very Indian: Native language is Quechua, the English is good, but shows many grammatical errors that people are moving in the English speaking on difficult terrain.

When we were on leave for a day of December minga , I decided to pretty sleepless night, not to cooperate and instead see a doctor. So while the students with Peter, Polly, and some of the residents set off to wander up the slopes of Cotacachi and to plant trees, which should be rewarded with fresh grilled Alpacafleisch noon, I went to Cotacachi and went in search of a laboratory. At noon I got the diagnosis: inflammation of the digestive tract. What exactly inflammation because I had caught, I do not know but the drugs that I take since then seem to help. After all!

New Year's Day we all went together to the Laguna Cuicocha, where Peter's students gave lectures on history, politics and economy of Ecuador, and finally we got a good documentary about oil production in the northeast of the country to see: Crude, highly recommended!

On the second of January we were on the road to Pucara. There were held on the third and fourth of January mingas : Together with was pucareños at various Construction sites continued to work. The terrain in front of the Casa Comunal was leveled, a concrete staircase was erected the fence. In the community garden weeds were weeded. The building, which will one day changing rooms for the football teams, toilets and function unite as a bus stop is, was further built.

On the fourth of January, much earlier than planned, I left Pucará already. Due to illness. This time I was not directly affected, but circumstances demanded, that I had to leave. Now I'm in Cayambe, I'll post all the stress and buy all of the same disease a few tables ritter sport and prepare myself mentally for the trip.

Annika did not come Quito, to pick me for our common journey: They did not let get on the plane to Ecuador, since it had no return ticket. We will meet on Sunday in Lima tomorrow, I expected to break and I hope that I might arrive already on Saturday night in the capital of Peru! The direct bus takes between thirty and forty hours, I would like to split the one, not only stay on the bus to see a little more and pay less for transportation ...

The next entry is then (I hope) from Peru! I intend to upload photos again when I return from the trip.